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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Mid-competition commit. Many things disabled/revised. More... about 10 years ago
Pre-competition commit. Autonomous ramp speeds and timing still need tuning. More... about 10 years ago
Fixed buffer strategy errors and added precision mode status. TODO: Make better precision mode icons. More... about 10 years ago
Changes made with autonomous testing. More to come. More... about 10 years ago
Initial commit. A simple graphical widget that (in theory) describes the status of various actuators on the robot based on network table values. Also, HI TIM!!!!!!! More... about 10 years ago
Initial commit. A simple graphical widget that (in theory) describes the status of various actuators on the robot based on network table values. Also, HI TIM!!!!!!! More... about 10 years ago
Updated stuff to be better. HI ALI!!!! HI GAVIN!!!!! HI NATHAN!!!!!! More... about 10 years ago
Minor camera interfacing updates and additional commenting More... about 10 years ago
Cooldown added after clutch limit switch is pressed. More... about 10 years ago
Code commenting and organization, updates to the lifter and shooter commands to solve potential mechanical issues, create cooldowns, etc. More... about 10 years ago
(Retroactive) Bag and Tag commit. Lifter and catapult code refined with testing. More... about 10 years ago
Stuff doesn't work. So sad More... about 10 years ago
Adjustment to match new hardware specs and refinements towards various commands for teleop. More... about 10 years ago
Fixed Robot with the autonomous picker More... about 10 years ago
Added AutonomousPicker to the Robot class and integrated the AutonomousPicker with the Camera class. More... about 10 years ago
Created DriveLeftShootDistance and DriveRightShootDistance. Needs to be tested for distance and time variables. More... about 10 years ago
Massive commenting of most non-command classes, merging of multiple edits, reorganization of autonomous commands, and the creation of a new generalized autonomous routine were carried out. TODO: Sync camera code with robot autonomous, pare down and further organize autonomous routines, and expand or remove autonomous picker class. More... about 10 years ago
added ability to change the turn coefficient. More... about 10 years ago
Static widget implementation. Some functions incomplete. More... about 10 years ago
added command groups FarDriveLeftTime (drives left from far right of field), and FarDriveRightTime (drives right from far left of field); the commands may or may not be necessary if the camera can tell where on the field the robot is located and tell the regular Drive( var direction )ShootTime command groups. More... about 10 years ago
Created DriveLeftShootDistance and DriveRightShootDistance. Needs to be tested for distance and time variables. More... about 10 years ago
Changed the name of DriveForward and DriveDistance to DriveForwardTime, DriveForwardDistance. Finished StrafeDistance and StrafeTime for end command(). Created DriveStop() command for the command groups of DriveRightShootTime and DriveLeftShootTime. Created the skeleton AutonoumousPicker class for choosing the Auton command. More... about 10 years ago
Created StrafeTime and StrafeDistance. Camera function needs to be added. Edited DriveForward and DriveDistance for vPower. More... about 10 years ago
Strafe command shell. Needs testing More... about 10 years ago
Modifications made in order to better sync with robot code. Still needs more testing. More... about 10 years ago
Merged with accelerometer and autonomous updates. Added output data for the network table to CommandBase to be sent by currently running commands. More... about 10 years ago
Created DriveDistance for autonomous period using Accelerometer. More... about 10 years ago
Added a Accelerometer class into the inputs class More... about 10 years ago
Initial import of RobotStatus for the DashBoard Widgets. More... about 10 years ago
Initial import of RobotStatus for the DashBoard Widgets. More... about 10 years ago