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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 9 hours ago. based on code collected about 11 hours ago.
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
-Fixed PropertyChangeEvent propagation so MonumentPane now refresher the renderer when the Item changes. -TransformableImageItemPanel now scales the Graphics2D instead of the Image of the item. -Added missing BaseWidth/Height initialization in ImageItem(String, URL, int). -Added getScaleX() and getScaleY() to TransformableImageItem for convience in calculating scaling factors. More... about 20 years ago
-ImageItemExplorer now supports DnD on Item level without tainting inner components. -ImageItemLabel now supports Java 1.3 DnD More... about 20 years ago
DnD between VisualMonument Editor and TreeFileSelector now on Item level, but TreeFileSelector tainted with knowledge of Item. More... about 20 years ago
Dnd Working (Node level only) between TreeFileSelector and VisualMonumentEditor More... about 20 years ago
First Unstable-DnD Branch Commit More... about 20 years ago
Debugged event forwarding for ImageItemExplorer Fixed recursive shrinking bug when ImageItemLabel is inside ImageItemExplorer More... over 20 years ago
Modified Libitina to use VisualMonumentEditor and ImageItemExplorer framework More... over 20 years ago
Updated Icons for JavaBeans More... over 20 years ago
Adds VisualMonumentEditor More... over 20 years ago
Adds DesignItemConverter and added license info to classes missing it More... over 20 years ago
BackgroundItemConverter Added More... over 20 years ago
Removed preInit() and postInit(); moved code to Libitina constructor. More... over 20 years ago
Moved Edit and Modify>Layer addActionListener statements to postInit() to improve maintainability More... over 20 years ago
Moved addActionListener statements for Toolbar out of locked form code to improve maintainability More... over 20 years ago
Moved addActionListener statements for Tool menu out of locked form code to improve maintainability More... over 20 years ago
Pre-systems integration commit for VisualMonumentEditor More... over 20 years ago
Code-base for VisualMonumentEditor framework More... over 20 years ago
(See ImageItemConverter) More... over 20 years ago
Adds ItemConverter classes for framework associated with VisualMonumentEditor More... over 20 years ago
Removed redundant contentPanel from contentPane ancestors More... over 20 years ago
Removed MonumentContainer implementation from ImageItemExplorer for framework reasons More... over 20 years ago
ImageItemExplorer now supports DnD and refreshes preview More... over 20 years ago
ImageItemExplorer consolidates components in "Explorer" tab in Libitina. Conforms to Item/MonumentContainer framework. More... over 20 years ago
Adds file system explorers using Trees and TabbedPanes More... over 20 years ago
Adds BeanInfo for ImageItemLabel More... over 20 years ago
Adds ImageItemLabel which auto-scales images from ImageItems for previewing More... over 20 years ago
Centralizes monument switching in Libitina through use of a MonumentManager. Introduces MonumentContainerProxy to allow now MonumentContainer classes to use MonumentManager. More... over 20 years ago
Integrates TextItemEditorMenu/Panel into TextHelper and Libitina Fixes copyright typo in all files, changing "Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Luke Imhoff" to "Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Luke Imhoff" More... over 20 years ago
Fixes a Form error that resulting in Netbeans not being able to load Libitina.form More... over 20 years ago
Adds TextItemEditor Framework - TextItemEditorPanel consolidates "Text Editor" tab into a single JComponent - TextItemEditorMenu consolidates "Text" top-level menu into a single Menu - ItemSelectableMenu allows menus of ItemSelectableMenuItems to have selections similar to JComboBox - FontMenu, SizeMenu, AlignMenu are all ItemSelectableMenus that auto-fill with the appropriate values - MenuContainer interface just specifies that a class had a bean property Monument (get/set) More... over 20 years ago