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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
May 30, 2023 — May 30, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Add README More... about 14 years ago
Don't create the background color shape if it is transparent, or the background image shape if there is no image. More... about 14 years ago
Adjust the box-shadow blur rendering so that it applies the blur filter twice, each with half the specified blur radius; this results in box-shadows nearly identical to other browsers. More... about 14 years ago
Add onresize handler on the window, to fix situations in IE8 standards mode where the onmove event for the element is not fired More... about 14 years ago
Abstract the border segment creation for each side into a single function More... about 14 years ago
Abstract the angle parameters More... about 14 years ago
For all VML shapes, set coordorigin to 0,0 and coordsize to (width+1)x(height+1), which results in more accurate sizing of the shape. More... about 14 years ago
Rework how borders are drawn to handle smooth transitions between borders of differing width across rounded borders More... about 14 years ago
Do not force target elements to position:relative if they are static, and if they are static then set their decorator sibling to z-index:-1; this should handle most cases well and not have such an invasive effect on the author's layout. They can always set things to position:relative manually to work around any issues. May revisit this decision in the future. More... about 14 years ago
Rename htc file More... about 14 years ago
Switch to use -pie- prefix, and add check for .style scripted properties More... about 14 years ago
Add support for proprietary css property prefix (temporarily disabled) More... about 14 years ago
Some jslint fixes More... about 14 years ago
Cache the number and unit values of a Length after the first access More... about 14 years ago
Move the withImgSize function into the PIE global, and make the dimensions cache global rather than per-instance More... about 14 years ago
Fix scope of withImgSize callback execution More... about 14 years ago
Pie -> PIE More... about 14 years ago
Fix parsing of 6-digit hex colors; Remove the stroke from the box-shadow shape More... about 14 years ago
Improve initialization performance by creating all the utilities and classes once and caching them in a global object which gets used directly on subsequent attachments. More... about 14 years ago
Improve performance and memory usage by making the behavior use the lightWeight="true" flag. This prevents it from creating a document object for each instance of the behavior. Because of this it was necessary to rework how elements are created: HTML elements must use element.document.createElement because there is no direct document variable. VML elements must use a DocumentFragment with the proper VML namespace applied; the main document cannot be used because IE throws an "Unspecified error" if you try to add the VML namespace before the document is complete loaded. More... about 14 years ago
Fix parsing repeat property of border-image, and prevent errors when an element has no border-image style More... about 14 years ago
Implement border-image rendering (stretch only) More... about 14 years ago
Simplify arguments to getBoxPath More... about 14 years ago
Create a rendererBase for common methods; move the rounded box path method into it More... about 14 years ago
Fix square box shadows More... about 14 years ago
- Make background positioning use the padding-box as its origin to match the CSS3 default - Create a BorderStyleInfo class for parsing border styles and detecting changes - Add a needsUpdate method to each renderer which detects whether an update needs to be invoked, without asking for the StyleInfos to reparse. Should help performance by allowing multiple renderers to call .changed() on the same StyleInfo. - In the BackgroundAndBorderRenderer, make all methods which create shapes use the common getShape() method More... about 14 years ago
Make dotted border style with 1px width not quite so invisible, though still needs work More... about 14 years ago
Fix rendering of odd-numbered stroke widths More... about 14 years ago
Add rendering of borders. The borders follow rounded box corners, and different colors/styles/widths per side (though differing widths do not transition smoothly around rounded corners) More... about 14 years ago
Add support for background images within the rounded bg area, including positioning and repeating More... about 14 years ago