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Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
Vor ein paar Tagen im IRC… KDE4PIM FAQ 5.9 Do I need a running MySQL server? (Nein, wir bringen einen mit, vergessen aber, dessen Sicherheitslücken zu patchen.) KDE4PIM FAQ 5.10 Can Akonadi use a normal MySQL server running on my system? ... [More] (Wer zur Hölle benutzt MySQL, wenn er eine Datenbank (SQLite, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL) haben kann? Außerdem ist es recht diffizil, eine Datenbank oder ein Datengrab aufzusetzen, zu konfigurieren und abzusichern… auch wenn der obige Punkt sagt, sie bringen eine mit.) KDE4PIM FAQ 5.6 Which DBMS does Akonadi use? (Ein Wort: Warum?) KDE4PIM FAQ 5.7 Why not use sqlite? (Auf Deutsch: wir sind zu blöd, Code zu schreiben, der funktioniert. Daß es mit MySQL tut ist nur Zufall, weil das genau so ein Haufen Scheiße ist, aber das haben wir noch nicht gemerkt.) Debian #513382 – akonadi-server: depends on mysql-server (Wir nutzen zwar den Datengrabserver der Distribution, aber ändern trotzdem nix an der Sache. Aber auch wir finden’s „toll“, daß ein MySQL-Server via /etc/init.d plus einer pro eingeloggter KDE4-Luser gestartet wird.) Zu Datenbank vs. Datengrab hatten wir ja: “mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to be a database” -- myself, Tonnerre and psychoschlumpf in #nosec Kleine Randbemerkung: mediawiki_*.deb dependet auch auf MySQL… obschon das FusionForge-Paket es für PostgreSQL konfiguriert und das so auch ganz gut tut. Echt ’ne Krankheit… [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
My play *.deb repository no longer carries binaries for iPhoneOS 2.2, or any other version for that matter. Apple prides themselves in DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) in a way that makes them look totally ridiculous to anyone with only the ... [More] tiniest amount of technical knowledge or political empathy. Gah. I don't see why I should support that with free software. Besides, it's not a good tool for geocaching, either. Some years ago, this would not have surprised me, but these days it's rare to find a company doing similar stunts. While the iPhone may help them through the current economical crisis, I dare suggest they build more variants of the iMer instead :þ At least these have hack value. [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
jupp development has been split into two active development lines: jupp for DOS (based on joe 2.8) and jupp for Unix (based on joe 3.x). There are binaries for both DOS (jupp for DOS) and Win32 (jupp for Unix, via Cygwin) available. The jupp for ... [More] DOS development line incorporates only minor patches relative to the original source code (it wasn’t that buggy as the sourceforge development made the code later…) and a jupprc file tuned for it but feature-complete with joe-3.1jupp10’s one. The jupp for Unix development line incorporates all of the very extensive patches to the binary, and an enriched jupprc with, due to popular demand, syntax highlighting enabled by default – even though I still loathe it personally, and feel with Rob Pike when he questions the use of pretty printers. It will also try to correctly guess CR-LF vs LF-only line endings, indentation, and terminal colour. Furthermore, the language selection of the jupp flavour is now en par with that of the joe flavour, and the Python variants honour the standard coding style of theirs (needed that by the third quarter of last year, remember?). Autoindent is still off, by default, though – with reason. Now give it a try. Hint: ^J (Ctrl-J) invokes the help. [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
jupp development has been split into two active development lines: jupp for DOS (based on joe 2.8) and jupp for Unix (based on joe 3.x). There are binaries for both DOS (jupp for DOS) and Win32 (jupp for Unix, via Cygwin) available. The jupp for ... [More] DOS development line incorporates only minor patches relative to the original source code (it wasn’t that buggy as the sourceforge development made the code later…) and a jupprc file tuned for it but feature-complete with joe-3.1jupp10’s one. The jupp for Unix development line incorporates all of the very extensive patches to the binary, and an enriched jupprc with, due to popular demand, syntax highlighting enabled by default – even though I still loathe it personally, and feel with Rob Pike when he questions the use of pretty printers. It will also try to correctly guess CR-LF vs LF-only line endings, indentation, and terminal colour. Furthermore, the language selection of the jupp flavour is now en par with that of the joe flavour, and the Python variants honour the standard coding style of theirs (needed that by the third quarter of last year, remember?). Autoindent is still off, by default, though – with reason. Now give it a try. Hint: ^J (Ctrl-J) invokes the help. [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
The NetInstall directory contains a new intermediate snapshot of MirOS BSD/i386 built last night. I also brought the fixes for older snapshots a little more up to date. Enjoy!
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
The NetInstall directory contains a new intermediate snapshot of MirOS BSD/i386 built last night. I also brought the fixes for older snapshots a little more up to date. Enjoy!
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
mksh has just been adjusted to behave as future POSIX will demand, after a lengthy discussion (on the bug-bash and miros-discuss mailing lists as well as the Debian bug tracker), for “set -u” (-o nounset). This, as well as the “stop () {…}” fix, ... [More] must be tested extensively. Therefore I urge all of you to % CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH % cvs -d :ext:[email protected]:/cvs co -PA mksh % cd mksh % (sh Build.sh -r && ./test.sh -v) 2>&1 | tee log and possibly send me the log. See an earlier post for more information about testing mksh(1) snapshots, as well. Tests for better standards compliance and bugs, especially in corner cases, are also welcome. Known are: all but the first command of a pipeline are run in subprocesses (made to be an mksh feature, not a bug); the lexer is not recursive (issues with parenthesēs and comments in COMSUBs); some IFS/whitespace issues. Fixes for these bugs, and maybe for the regression tests (they may or may not be correct) are desirable… as well as development related communication. On an unrelated side note, aptituz told me that Debian etch already had Debhelper v5, and as such, the mksh package has been converted over from Debhelper v4 (yay, RCS IDs in debhelper configuration files! but what about changelog (no-no) and menu? dunno…). [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
Leute, nehmt euer iPhone gerne dazu, auf dem Weg zum Schwimmbad Queen (Masters of the Universe) zu hören, aber bitteschön nicht zum Navigieren. Beim Versuch, das entfernte Ziel zu erreichen, sind wir an lustigen Stellen (Acker und so) gelandet; ... [More] die mobile Suche war irgendwie von der Adresse leicht verwirrt. Die geocaching.com-Anwendung ist auch bescheiden, die kommt mir vor als wär ich aufm PocketPC und hätte vergessen, static navigation auszuschalten. [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
Irgendwie… ist’s warm, ich bin müde, satt, und hab grad keine Lust, an mksh(1), BSD::arc4random, oder gar vnd(4) zu arbeiten ☺ Ist aber denk ich mal erlaubt. Dafür waren wir heute beim Einkaufen wieder geocachen (Statistiken siehe unten, irgendwann ... [More] einmal „inventarisiere“ ich die aber mal richtig, Duplikate und so, denn das erste Hundert sollte ich vollhaben bald). Nervig ist, wenn man wegen Bremsen (der Viecher, die ich eigentlich so nur vom Bodansee kenne) die Suche abbricht, bevor sie richtig begonnen hat. Immerhin, einige haben wir gefunden, mit Lust auf mehr. Fahrradmitnahme bei der DB ist auch so ’ne Sache, sicher, es ginge, irgendwie. Aber spontan wars mir dann doch zu aufwendig. Auch wenn ich es jetzt gerne hier hätte ☻ Ich hab nocd bei mir, und eine ganze Pixelreihe (horizontal) ist kaputt. Noch einer. Das nervt, nur nwt bleibt seinem Nutzer seit 1993 treu ☹ gecko2@ hat lustige Musik da, ganz gut, mal was Anderes. Wie die aber alle heißen muß er selber ins wlog schreiben :þ [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by [email protected] (MirOS Developer tg)
Ich bin jetzt bei gecko2@ für ’ne Woche, mal entspannen. ObRecovery: für zirka 2 € mehr habe ich durch IC-Nutzung eine Stunde Fahrt eingespart. Vive le Deutsche Bahn :þ Pläne: viel offline sein. Ansonsten vielleicht ein wenig mksh(1)-Hacking ... [More] (siehe letztes Posting) oder so. Gestern mußte ich noch einen Fipptehler bei kwalletcli fixen ☹ dafür sollte™ heute auf Arbeit alles gut gelaufen sein. [Less]