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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
removed old API headers and gui functions. Refactored code to remove Win32 types and special types More... over 14 years ago
re-wrote makefile for current mupen64plus conventions More... over 14 years ago
import jttl_audio plugin from mupen64plus SVN repo revision 1416 More... over 14 years ago
added new M64+ API v2.0 functions to RSP plugin, converted all printf() calls to use Debug message callback to front-end. this plugin now works with the core and ui-console More... over 14 years ago
added error message to makefile if API headers not found. bugfix in plugin loading function More... over 14 years ago
removed old api headers and wintypes.h. Refactored all code to remove win32-specific things, unnecessary functions, and clean up More... over 14 years ago
added makefile feature to automatically search several places to find mupen64plus core api headers More... over 14 years ago
re-wrote makefile for current mupen64plus conventions More... over 14 years ago
removed GTK dependency, about box More... over 14 years ago
added rsp_hle code from mupen64plus SVN repo revision 1416 More... over 14 years ago
changed makefile option named DBG to DEBUGGER, and changed DBGSYM to DEBUG. added state load/save M64CMD enums More... over 14 years ago
bugfix: need to set next pointer to NULL when creating new config section More... over 14 years ago
moved font.ttf file up one dir into data folder, removed fonts folder More... over 14 years ago
changed dlopen() flag to resolve symbols immediately on load More... over 14 years ago
added rom handling and execute functions to CoreDoCommand. modified open_rom and close_rom in rom.c to work with new API More... over 14 years ago
removed unneeded gui.h file More... over 14 years ago
Added makefile option for debug build. added Status message in core callback handler. Parse --datadir early from command line parameters and send to CoreStartup() More... over 14 years ago
fixed minor chicken/egg problem; CoreStartup() needs a command-line specified shared data search path when it starts - it cant be specified later through the SharedDataPath core config variable because its needed at startup More... over 14 years ago
renamed some main.c functions for consistency. fixed segfault in ini_reader.c when cheat file .ini object is closed after failing to load More... over 14 years ago
filled in CoreErrorMessage() More... over 14 years ago
another big changeset moving over to the new API: 1. removed main/config.h and config.c, refactored core code to use new config api 2. added code for CoreAttachPlugin/CoreDetachPlugin 3. refactored r4300 core selector mechanism for single variable, removing dynacore/interpcore 4. rewrote main.c, removing unneeded functions and variables, refactoring for new API More... over 14 years ago
refactor plugin API to match core<-->frontend API: created api/m64p_plugin.h with function pointers and structure definitions. main/plugin.h now contains just the extern plugin function pointer declarations, some version info, and the global functions for attaching/detaching plugins More... over 14 years ago
Completely rewrote Core's plugin handling code. Too many changes to list them all, but from a high-level perspective: 1. Remove all file-based library-handling code from plugin.c 2. Changed global API of plugin.c to integrate easily with entry-point code in api/frontend.c 3. New feature: automatic dummy plugin fallback 4. Removed legacy Win32 types (BYTE, DWORD) and struct members (hWnd, hInst, etc) More... over 14 years ago
Finished first draft of api/config.c: 1. added ConfigDirOverride parameter to ConfigInit 2. bugfix ConfigOpenSection: create new section if requested name doesnt exist 3. finished CoreStartup() function 4. Bugfixes in ConfigSaveFile() More... over 14 years ago
implemented the last 4 functions in the Config section, the special ConfigSetDefault* functions More... over 14 years ago
implemented special-purpose Get() functions in configuration module More... over 14 years ago
Added general-purspose config Get/Set functions. Changed internal config floating-point value type from Double to Float More... over 14 years ago
bugfix in osal_mkdirp() function More... over 14 years ago
implemented remaining Selector functions in Config module More... over 14 years ago
moved all of the api_* files from main/ to api/, removing the prefix api_ from their names More... over 14 years ago