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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 11 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed Nan bug in opaque surface plotter. More... about 21 years ago
MVT.java: switched the type of thisApplet to JApplet, and added the static function of setApplet. This is so dillard can use the MVT system without getting the null pointer exceptions when trying to load. More... about 21 years ago
Fixed the rotation direction so that it moves along with the mouse (at least initially) More... over 21 years ago
Finally!!! Added all the files required for the Hidden Line Removal in Surface plotting. It's all there, it required adding the Renderer objects that contain all surfaces of a certain type. More... over 21 years ago
Not sure what I changed in arrow, probably nothing - Plot2DTool and Plot3DTool I added a new constructor that takes a Input and Options Panel so that it's easier to integrate into the system. More... over 21 years ago
Here is is MVT 2-0. Some said this day would never come; some were wrong. Key changes: moved all directories into 2 distinct packages: math - completely stable and independent set of Java math tools mvt - the Mathematics Visualization Toolkit (the software that makes the applet/application, dependent upon math package) More... over 21 years ago
Fixed many MVT1.0 bugs that got accidentally removed at an earlier time. More... over 21 years ago
fixed unsplit verts compile error More... over 21 years ago
Fixed Polygon3D constructor for lid (2) More... over 21 years ago
fixed Polygon3D constructor for Lid More... over 21 years ago
Fixed lid constructor for surface More... over 21 years ago
added lid surface constructor More... over 21 years ago
Fixed split polygon bugs More... over 21 years ago
Latest Update includes Hidden Surface Removal More... over 21 years ago
Added feature for auto-scaling, and forcing the graphs to fit on the panel at all times. More... almost 22 years ago
Sick of writing stuff for this...fourth time. Updated CaretListener (it was implemented really stupidly - two separate and identical anonymous classes). More... almost 22 years ago
Plot3DInput: Updated and fixed some comments/formatting. More... almost 22 years ago
Added new things for the 3D ODE Integrator. Also fixed many miscellaneous bugs in the ODE Vector Field Plotter, 3D Vector Field Plotter, and Surface Plotter. (as well as a bug in the 1-D ODE engine.) More... almost 22 years ago
For the mathfunctions: Formatted the code, documented. Added a cloning method. For E I made it so it represented the constant E as opposed to computer e^1. More... almost 22 years ago
Forgot to check if the stack was empty (usually my implementation of stack returns null when peeking and the stack is empty...). This is from the parsing bug fixed earlier. More... almost 22 years ago
Fixed parssing bug. When typing: ln(1/2)/2 the function returned was: ln(1/2/2). Now it will return ln(1/2)/2. There are two other questionable areas in the parser and have been noted in my notes. Will discuss them at a future day to see if they are valid. More... almost 22 years ago
Oops i forgot 2 files... More... almost 22 years ago
New files all involve the addition of a 3D Vector Field Plot (not working yet). Modified files were mostly cleaning up the menuItem's that were floating around. Removed lots of the junk left behind by the "plague of zombie locusts" More... almost 22 years ago
Fixed bugs in Jama, and also added tooltip for Visual Matrices. More... almost 22 years ago
Surface plotter almost there: two things lacking, * scaling the 3D object into the bounds of the screen * hidden-line removal (which will be ready soon) Also added comments & made some anonymous classes less anonymous... More... almost 22 years ago
Re-organized & optimized the axes drawing mechanism. Removed outdated Rect.java. More... almost 22 years ago
Changed the structure of the GraphicsComponent heirarchy, so that pretty much everything inherits from GraphicsComponent. Also removed duplicate function anywere i found them. Added brand new axes (Plot3DBoundary) system to the Surface plotter, it works pretty well except for: * graphics3dcomponents still need to be centered in screen (& during rotation) * hidden line removal has yet to be implemented. More... almost 22 years ago
yet again, more changes and tweakings.. More... almost 22 years ago
added domain edit checkig More... almost 22 years ago
Fixed something i left out in the last commit. oops again. :) More... almost 22 years ago