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Analyzed about 8 hours ago. based on code collected about 11 hours ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Add a very simple XSLT transformint to the MCRQueryTool class. More... about 22 years ago
Include a first version for remote access to the MyCoRe installations. The new directory communications holds classes and interfaces for the remote communication. As sample now the Tool MCRQueryTool.java exist to start local or remote querys at commandline. More... over 22 years ago
Include a first version for remote access to the MyCoRe installations. The new directory communications holds classes and interfaces for the remote communication. As sample now the Tool MCRQueryTool.java exist to start local or remote querys at commandline. More... over 22 years ago
The class has now a import/export way for the result collection. This is a requirement for the remote query system. More... over 22 years ago
Solve some problems with XML schemas if the application will show the CM content and the validation is on. Also the path to the application scheme was now set in the property file as MCR.parser_schema_path. In the MCRObject class was the methode receiveXMLFromDatastore added. More... over 22 years ago
modified MCRObjectStructure.java More... over 22 years ago
Remove all files, they use the old MILESS query language. Replace them with the first version of XQuery implementation. More... over 22 years ago
Fixed some smaller bugs and some 'dicke Hunde'. Now create, retrieve, update and delete operations on classifications and categories should work. More... over 22 years ago
Fixed some bugs. Also made the table names for MCRClassificationStoreDB2 configurable via mycore.properties file. More... over 22 years ago
Added toString() methods for debugging the classification classes. More... over 22 years ago
Added the configuration properties for the classification subsystem in mycore.properties and changed their spelling in MCRClassificationManager. More... over 22 years ago
Fixes some bugs in MCRSQLStatement class. More... over 22 years ago
Added build file instructions for compiling the mycore.classifications package More... over 22 years ago
Added a first version of the classification classes. The classes are not completely tested yet, and JavaDocs are missing, but I wanted to check the code in before the MyCoRe meeting today. So far there is the basic functionality for classifications and categories with IDs and labels, and a DB2 implementation of a classification store. More... over 22 years ago
Added class MCRSQLStatement, a helper class to generate simple SQL create, insert, update, delete or select statements. More... over 22 years ago
Added two methods to execute SQL create, insert or update statements. More... over 22 years ago
Changed documentation MyCoRe_Installation. Added and moved parts. More... over 22 years ago
Modify the Text Search parts of the classes for create and search with TS under CM7. Also a begin of the new search with XQuery. More... over 22 years ago
Updated software requirements, added Apache 1.3.22 and Tomcat 3.3 More... over 22 years ago
Extend the build.xml file for user management. More... over 22 years ago
Added class MCRUserMgrTest, a software test application for the mycore user component More... over 22 years ago
I added the directory mycore/sources/user together with some classes. This is the very first version of the MyCoRe user component. These classes must be considered as "work in progress". They are submitted to the CVS system so that other developers can see what I am working on. More... over 22 years ago
Seperate the CM7 connection workaround to the mycore.sql and mycore.cm7 package. More... over 22 years ago
Implemented the getNextFreeId() method completely so that it now uses SQL select statements to find the highest ID stored. More... over 22 years ago
Updated MCRCM7Bypass to use the new functions of MCRSQLConnection and simplified the code. More... over 22 years ago
Fixed some bad references in the javadoc comments. More... over 22 years ago
Wrote two new classes to simplify SQL usage in MyCoRe. These classes are actually wrappers around java.sql.Connection and java.sql.ResultSet to simplify some tasks by providing higher level methods. More... over 22 years ago
Replaced MCRCM7ConnectionPoolDB2 with new class MCRSQLConnectionPool. This class is more flexible and uses the singleton pattern instead of static methods. JDBC driver, database url and initial and maximum number of connections are can be configured in mycore.properties. More... over 22 years ago
Updated the documentation to reflect the status of the working environment of the MyCoRe Server in Essen: Added software requirements, some version numbers changed. Also added a paragraph for granting the user that runs MyCoRe software access to the CM library server tables in DB2. This is necessary for the mycore.cm7.MCRCM7Bypass class. More... over 22 years ago
Added MCRCM7Bypass, a tool for looking up the DB2 table and column names that are equivalent to the Content Manager 6/7 index classes and keyfields. More... over 22 years ago