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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge pull request #18 from Gerilgfx/patch-1 More... almost 10 years ago
fixes compilation on suse 10.1 More... almost 10 years ago
Merge pull request #16 from gerasim13/master More... over 10 years ago
Fixed malloc.h path on iOS target platform More... over 10 years ago
Turns out even libstdc++ 4.8 doesn't have std::is_trivially_copyable<> :(
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Updated url for nedtries submodule to https
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Added issue #15 example.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Remove clang exception.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Try again with the libstdc++ version check.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Use is_pod<> on old libstdc++'s.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Fixed issue #14 where nedalloc was using is_pod<> instead of is_trivially_copyable<>.Thanks to JustSid for reporting this.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Looks like clang's static analyser needs two passes.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Fixes for a clang static analyser warning.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Fix for --analyze
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Bumped travis clang to 3.3. Added analyze option to scons.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Added clang static analysis pass to travis.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Ported over the scons script improvements from TripleGit.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
uthash checkout seems to error. Try again.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Added Travis CI image to Readme.html
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Added Travis CI build file.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 10 years ago
Solved spurious printing in issue #12
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... about 11 years ago
Replaced fopen with open. Hopefully fixes issue #12
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... about 11 years ago
Fixed issue #12 where RTLD_DEFAULT was undefined. Replaced this code entirely with new code which parses /proc/meminfo for huge page size. Thanks to Geri for reporting this.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... about 11 years ago
Added missing <dlfcn.h> include.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... about 11 years ago
Fixed typo in last commit causing segfault on POSIX. Fixes issue #10.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago
Forgot to update Readme changelog.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago
Fixed issue #10 (Nedmalloc crashes on android)
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ned14/nedmalloc
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago
Reverted master to dlmalloc v2.8.4. dlmalloc v2.8.6 is now on a branch of the same name.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago
Fixed issue #8 where memory allocated via the independent_*() functions was being incorrectly identified as system allocated. Thanks to Geri for reporting this.
Niall Douglas
as Niall Douglas (s [underscore] sourceforge {at} nedprod [dot] com)
More... over 11 years ago