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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge pull request #202 from SHLo/support-custom-tags More... over 6 years ago
Support for custom tagging #109 More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #200 from FliesLikeABrick/feature/support-sg-id More... over 6 years ago
Improvement for #186 in beeswithmachineguns, to try and help with possible user experience issues. BWMG requires an id for subnets, but a name for security groups. This commit adds a fallback for security group lookup to use the provided name as an id. This could be optimized by checking if the name provided starts with sg- then using it as an ID, but hardcoding this arbitrary string check was avoided More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #198 from FliesLikeABrick/hotfix/fix-issue-197 More... over 6 years ago
Replace fgrep usage with grep to fix issue #197 in beeswithmachineguns More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #196 from FliesLikeABrick/feature/add-troubleshooting-to-readme More... over 6 years ago
Tweaking readme troubleshooting More... over 6 years ago
Tweaking readme troubleshooting More... over 6 years ago
Added troubleshooting section to readme More... over 6 years ago
Merge https://github.com/newsapps/beeswithmachineguns More... over 6 years ago
Merge branch 'hotfix/fix-beeswithmachineguns-issue-76' More... over 6 years ago
Merge branch 'feature/reduce-ssh-bandwidth-issue-194' More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #193 from FliesLikeABrick/hotfix/fix-beeswithmachineguns-issue-76 More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #195 from FliesLikeABrick/feature/reduce-ssh-bandwidth-issue-194 More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #192 from FliesLikeABrick/feature/bwmg-issue-191-add-ab-z-cipher-suite-option More... over 6 years ago
Fixed whitespacing in the #194 fix More... over 6 years ago
Resolves newsapps/beeswithmachineguns #194, pertaining to overload of data carried via SSH to Python BWMG, especially for HTTPS. stderr disacarded in benchmark_command, and stdout filtered remotely with fast non-regexp fgrep. More... over 6 years ago
Fixes newsapps/beeswithmachineguns issue #76. Existing instances were not counted correctly due to the number of instances per reservation being greater than 1 in most use cases. Fixed two list comprehensions to extract the full list of instances instead of the first one from each reservation More... over 6 years ago
Adds cipher suite option for newsapps/beeswithmachineguns #191, allowing specification of openssl cipher suite names with -Z, passed to Apachebench -Z option. Apachebench-only currently, hurl may or may not offer a similar option More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #190 from FliesLikeABrick/master More... over 6 years ago
Fixes #110 in newsapps/beeswithmachineguns, security groups being ignored when -v is specified. Removing the conditional logic on line 210 because it seems to duplicate the intention of line 178, except it defaults to None instead of looking up the sg for the appropriate subnet. In addition this looked suspicious because line 192 for spot/bid instances does not contain such a conditional More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #169 from Yathi/master More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #138 from jahed/issue/106-releases-out-of-date More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #183 from VerizonDigital/master More... over 6 years ago
update regional ami mapping More... over 6 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/VerizonDigital/beeswithmachineguns More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #174 from apiguy/master More... about 7 years ago
beginning of a test suite for bees More... about 7 years ago
updating README to reflect support for Python 3.6 More... about 7 years ago