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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected about 8 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
2011-07-15 - working on jsp interface - admin database working, users/instances - added correction checkbox to chat - made instance a drop down More... almost 13 years ago
2011-07-12 - working on jsp interface - fixed date parsing issue, avoid using jdk date format, not thread safe ~~~~Pygmalion More... almost 13 years ago
2.0 More... almost 13 years ago
updating jars More... about 13 years ago
2011-03-14 - Got language test suite passing, added math test suite - Working on IRC discussion, fixed some relationship correctness issues ~~~~Pygmalion 2011-04-01 - working on subconscious thoughts, discovery - add event model to memory - switched mind to use waits instead of sleeps ~~~~Pygmalion More... about 13 years ago
2011-03-04 - Derby started deadlocking after making senses concurrent - Tried to switch to MySQL, fixed deadlocks, but had charset issues and index size limit was not enough to index data - Switched to PostgreSQL, seems to have resolved all issues - finally figured out why everything broke after making senses concurrent, needed to clear short-term memory before processing active memory - working on JUnit test suite for senses, language ~~~~Pygmalion 2011-03-14 - Got language test suite passing, added math test suite - Working on IRC discussion, fixed some relationship correctness issues ~~~~Pygmalion More... about 13 years ago
2011-01-03 - working on sub-conscious, made sensory processing on isolated memory/concurrent ~~~~Pygmalion 2011-01-07 - added error handling to sense input ~~~~Pygmalion 2011-01-21 - working on memory/sense concurrency ~~~~Pygmalion 2011-03-04 - Derby started deadlocking after making senses concurrent - Tried to switch to MySQL, fixed deadlocks, but had charset issues and index size limit was not enough to index data - Switched to PostgreSQL, seems to have resolved all issues - finally figured out why everything broke after making senses concurrent, needed to clear short-term memory before processing active memory - working on JUnit test suite for senses, language More... about 13 years ago
2010-12-28 - testing nick name tracking in IRC ~~~~Pygmalion 2010-12-29 - added config properties to config.xml ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-12-13 - fixed discussion, if no target IRC uses last 5 users to chat, weak add response ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
A couple fixes More... over 13 years ago
2010-11-19 - Twitter GUI ~~~~Pygmalion 2010-12-04 - 1.0 release!!! ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-11-07 - working on Twitter sense, follow followers, process status ~~~~Pygmalion 2010-11-12 - move language state from Language to Sense, each sense has its own state - added TwitterDirectMessaging subclass, to sense messages separately to avoid confusion - removed context field from language, use input from self/target instead ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
twitter4j More... over 13 years ago
2010-10-29 - working on Twitter sense, trying to get oauth working - got oauth working 2010-11-07 - working on Twitter sense, follow followers, process status More... over 13 years ago
2010-10-15 - working on the "Self" programming model - got remainder almost working - got addition of any integers working entirely!!! ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-10-01 - got adding any two numbers working, but need to be same length and no remainders ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-09-10 - working on math understanding, adding big numbers - added basic language constructs, FOR, DO, IF, GET, SET, NEW - bootstraped numbers to 20 - getting close to adding big numbers ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-09-04 - working on math understanding - replaced left/right with arguments - process known quotient (return non equations directly) 2010-09-05 - added public domain license to all source files More... over 13 years ago
2010-08-22 - working on math understanding - got plus as equation working, no hard coding, but only adding to 10 More... over 13 years ago
2010-08-21 - working on math understanding - switched numbers back to BigInteger - got plus state working, but hard coding adding ~~~~Pygmalion More... over 13 years ago
2010-07-23 - working on math understanding 2010-07-26 - added IRC connection test thread to reconnect lost connection - added timestamp to logging More... over 13 years ago
2010-07-21 - added maxLog to GUI - started defining mathematics More... almost 14 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... almost 14 years ago
2010-07-18 - switched back to Derby, HSQL does not scale well - made Freebase make relationships noun and verbs if unknown words, allows understand More... almost 14 years ago
2010-07-18 - switch database to hsql More... almost 14 years ago
2010-06-21 - added gui UI for email config More... almost 14 years ago
2010-06-18 - got initial email sense working More... almost 14 years ago
2010-06-17 - working on email sense More... almost 14 years ago
2010-06-04 - started email sense - reorged libs ~~~~Pygmalion More... almost 14 years ago
2010-06-03 - Enhanced UI, IRC, http - Refactored logging, added log listeners - Log to status pane in UI More... almost 14 years ago