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Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Denis Platonov)
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (diego)
Hi all. I want to modify the ScaleLine control so that it also shows the scale with the format 1/xxx, and I'm not sure that what I'm doing is right. This is how I'm obtaining the value: var lScale :Number = Unit.getScaleFromResolution (mapResolution, currentMapUnits); this.lblScale.text = '1/' + Math.round (lScale).toString();
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Savva Gordeev)
Hello. How to make map repeat itself horizontally so it can be scrolled horizontally endless?
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Peter Varga)
Hi thanks, After I sent this email I started to work this solution. so thanks the resources to. Peter
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Ossi Rönnberg)
I recently made exactly this. Unfortunately I'm not able to share the codes as those are owned by the company. But, what I can say is that it's not going to work straight out of the box like that. You need to create a layer that handles tile requests to the database. Here is an example how it's done with JavaScript. It's fairly simple to
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Peter Varga)
Hi Julien, Could you post your solution because now I try to load a tileMill export into openScale app. Here is my code, but it doesn't work. var tileURL:String = new File("Users/xy/assets/road-tri p_a66ac9.mbtiles").url; var tmsLayer:TMS = new TMS("Road Trip", tileURL, "mapTiler")
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Ossi Rönnberg)
What exactly you need todo to get OpenScales work on mobile with Flex (iOS & Android) ? What I've done so far. I have commented out contaxtmenu from the Map.as which causes the first problem on mobile. And actually this way I can run OpenScales on simulators pretty fine, but when I try to compile a package for iOS device I get this
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Stefaan Van Mieghem)
Use case: WMS layer not visible pan or zoom set layer visible pan or zoom = layer is briefly (until reloaded) drawn at an offset equal to the previous center - current center. The previous center being the one at the moment of initialization or when latest visible. I have added an override on the visible setter in the Grid class to solve
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (Simon Lopez)
Hi, you should not use THIS key. It was a key offered to openscales for demo purpose! If you need one, please refer to: [link] We've been alerted once for detected abuses, please consider this unless the key might be invalidated! Regards, Simon L.
Posted almost 11 years ago by [email protected] (chelly mehdi)
hello you juste use this exemple: <os:Bing id="bingMap" identifier="bingMap" key="Ar3-LKk-acyISMevsF2bqH70h 21mzr_FN9AhHfi7pS26F5hMH1DmpI7 PBK1VCLBk" imagerySet="Aerial" /> <os:Bing id="bingMapHyb" identifier="bingMapHyb" key="Ar3-LKk-acyISMevsF2bqH70h 21mzr_FN9AhHfi7pS26F5hMH1DmpI7 PBK1VCLBk"