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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 6 hours ago. based on code collected about 8 hours ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Added missing EarthSky.cpp file to osg plguin. More... over 22 years ago
Added include/osg/EarthSky and src/osg/EarthSky to cvs. More... over 22 years ago
Added osg::EarthSky node to the core osg library, and added support for it into osgUtil::SceneView, osg::CullVisitor, osgPlugin/osg and updated the hangglide demo to use the new earth sky node. More... over 22 years ago
Added support for osg::StateSet comparison operators and using this new feature added support in osgUtil::OptimizeStateVisitor for removing duplicate StateSet's from the scene graph, previously only duplicated StateAttributes we're removed. More... over 22 years ago
Integrated a bug fix to osg::TexMat from Geoff Michel which adds a glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); after the setting of the texture matrix. Previously the texture matrix mode could run into normal model view matrix operations which were assuming the defaul of GL_MODELVIEW. More... over 22 years ago
Made spelling corrections, the spelling mistakes picked up by a script written by Neil Salter. More... over 22 years ago
Interegrated changes to Timer from Neil Salter to fix compilation problems which had been introduced by doing #include's within the osg namespace. More... over 22 years ago
Added setAttributeAndModes(new Depth,StateAttribute::ON); to the StateSet::setGlobalDefault() so that the correct default for the glDepthFunc etc are set up for scene graphs, and allows override of these value which risk of inheriting state on to the rest of the scene graph. More... over 22 years ago
Modified the Matrix multiple method added by Don so it is safer and added comments explaining why it shouldn't be needed as other more efficient methods should be doing the work for us. More... over 22 years ago
Added operator * (Matrix &) to Matrix (header) and operator [] to reference matrix elements. More... over 22 years ago
Made spelling corrections to osg include files, spelling mistakes detected by a script written by Neil Salter which analyses comments for mistakes. More... over 22 years ago
Cleaned up inst rules a bit... More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... over 22 years ago
Synch with 20010921 More... over 22 years ago
Added files to keep cvs from removing empty directories lib and lib/osgPlugins More... over 22 years ago
Added place holder README files to lib/README and lib/osgUtil/README so empty directories will not be removed by CVS More... over 22 years ago
Removed Makedepend files More... over 22 years ago
Addec binary files with -kb More... over 22 years ago
Removed should be binary entries. Well r-add with -kb More... over 22 years ago
Added ico files with -kb flag More... over 22 years ago
Trying to clean up binary commits More... over 22 years ago
Added these with the -kb flag now. More... over 22 years ago
Cleaning up binary commits - oops More... over 22 years ago
1) new implementation of the osg::Matrix class. Note details below. 2) cleaned up osg::Timer, still in progress. My intent has been to pave the way for support for other OS's. 3) new osg::FrameStamp class which has a frame number, reference time for each frame to be app, culled and drawn. The FrameStamp also can be passed to other machines (i.e. cluster) and the FrameStamp can be used with the slaves own app,cull and draw. I've also added the beginings of a calander time data to the FrameStamp to allow time or day and year to be used in setting up position of sun/moon etc. etc. 4) The osg::State now has contains a pointer to the last applied osg::Camera and the current osg::FrameStamp, so that drawables can use both pieces of information for creating effects such CLOD, earth/sky etc. The osg::NodeVisitor also now allows you to attach a FrameStamp to support syncronization of actions on the scene graph. More... over 22 years ago
o Added osgUtil::StateOptimizeVisitor which traversing the scene graph and builds up a map of all StateAttributes and StateSets and then removes the duplicates. This promotes state sharing throughout the scene graph which inturn can significantly improve performance thanks to reduced state changing. Particularily effective on datasets where a great deal of duplicated state exists. o Added pure virtual compare(const osg::StateAttribute&) method to osg::StateAttribute, and implemented it in all the subclasses from StateAttribute. Added <,== & != operator on StateAttribute and Matrix to support new StateOptimizeVisitor. o Added META_Object, META_Node and META_StateAttribute macros to Object, Node and StateAttribute respectively which define the standard pure virtual methods such as clone, className & isSameKindAs. Changed all the appropriate header files to use these macro's rather define them in each header, these cleans up the headers considerably. o Corrected the implementation of osg::Light::getType so it correctly uses a unique type for each of the OpenGL lights (GL_LIGHT0.. GL_LIGHT7 relates to osg::StateAttriburte::LIGHT_0..LIGHT_7. o Changed the definition of osg::StateStateAttribute::Type to is now a unsigned int rather than an enum, and have changed the name of the previous Type enum list to be Types. This makes it more consistent with the difination of values found in StateAttribute and also easier to extend with having to cast to an enum. o From Pail Fredrikson, updated Maitrx.new implemention which uses the same matrix orientation as the original Matrix implemention. More... over 22 years ago