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Analyzed about 24 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Doh! need to return the response More... about 17 years ago
Added neighbours code More... about 17 years ago
Added more infrastructure for OGS More... about 17 years ago
Fixed name quotes bug
More... about 17 years ago
After hours of searching for a bug, it works - User accounts in sandbox mode, currently they are not persistent between restarts (ie restarting opensim.exe) but should be persistent between sessions (login/ logout). Use the -account command line arg to enable them and then create new accounts through the web interface
More... about 17 years ago
* log file name conflict More... about 17 years ago
RIP OpenSimRoot. (removed) Merged most of the bug fixes etc in from LLdemo branch. Added the textures from that branch.
More... about 17 years ago
* And lo, the OpenSim (which is actually the RegionServer) is decoupled from the exe. More... about 17 years ago
* worked a little bit more on straigthening the startup procedure out More... about 17 years ago
Who dropped my child_agent flag? It returns More... about 17 years ago
* revert the revert - begin the beguine More... about 17 years ago
* Reverting todays work. It was worth a try. More... about 17 years ago
* Config should be loaded before login server startup... More... about 17 years ago
* vaseline + duct-tape. More... about 17 years ago
* Added OpenSim.Framework ref to phys mgr More... about 17 years ago
* Fixed yet another project ref fuck-up in Prebuild. More... about 17 years ago
* Continued refactoring away OpenSimRoot - now it's down to the final 2. More... about 17 years ago
* Introduced BaseHttpServer (doing nothing at the moment) * Removed OpenSimRoot dependencies from SimClient and AgentAssetUpload. 2 down, 7 left to go. More... about 17 years ago
* Prebuild breaks nant build if project is empty. Quick fix : add dummy file More... about 17 years ago
* Enabled the OpenSim.Servers project More... about 17 years ago
Added REST-handler interface for the http server and changed the Admin Web front end to one.
More... about 17 years ago
* Now there's one Console class, and instead the apps responds to cmd's and show's * Removed Golden Future TCP/SimChat options * Moved Ode.NET.dll to bin and changed prebuild accordingly (due to Prebuild limitations) * Normalized some namespaces * Added FxCop project * Added (temp disabled) Servers project (for great justice) More... about 17 years ago
Heightfield needs fixing, or i'll re-implement it (probably actually the collisions stuff i'm not doing right) Why am I using SVN logs to talk? It's bedtime....... More... about 17 years ago
ODE plugin now can fly but sinks through ground when walking (?!!!??!??!) More... about 17 years ago
Movement? More... about 17 years ago
ZOMG! CAPSULES AS BOUNDING VOLUMES! More... about 17 years ago
[no comment]
More... about 17 years ago
preparing to add full clothes/body part support. Currently you can: now create new body parts and clothes. edit those clothes and wear them. But currently you will not see most of the edited effects on your own avatar, although often other clients will see those changes on your avatar.
More... about 17 years ago
Added a very very very basic Web front end for admin use - ready to be used in sandbox mode for adding new accounts.
More... about 17 years ago
* Added Prebuild exe (just delete the old one) * Reverted faulty build files More... about 17 years ago