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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Includes the roster folder now
as alex_1
More... about 15 years ago
Solves a problem with timer not being reset on logouts. May not be best solution, but fixes the problem for now.
as alex_1
More... about 15 years ago
Reinstated ant build method as an alternate since I dislike maven. More... over 15 years ago
Logout notification on incidental connection loss fixed.
as alex_1
More... over 15 years ago
No reason not to compile for 1.5
as alex_1
More... over 15 years ago
Makes sure that the inputstream is _always_ closed, no matter what.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 15 years ago
Documents the fact that YahooUser contains all unique identifiers.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 15 years ago
Added utility method to work with collections.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Deprecated Session#transmitPing() in favor of #transmitKeepAlive(). This mimics the current Yahoo client behavior better, and should fix unexpected disconnections after a couple of minutes (YMSG-22).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Improved roster tests (YMSG-18)
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
More roster tweaks (YMSG-18).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Added some new testcases for the challenge mechanism.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Refactoring of ChallengeResponse mechanisms (YMSG-21).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Clean-up of test code.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Cleaned up Exception handling during the login mechanism, to prepare for YMSG-21.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Oops - I missed this file in the last commit (YMSG-18).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Changes to the roster now get send to the Yahoo domain (YMSG-18).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Don't call 'toString()' on a String.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Simplified the generated hashCode() method. This should compute a little faster.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Loggers should be based on the class, not on a package level. Also, they should be static constants.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Removed group management from this test case . It should go in a dedicated test case instead.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Emergency commit to explain the fix for YMSG-20. Note that this commit contains other changes that's still a work-in-progress. Don't expect this code to be stable. For the fix of YMSG-20, have a look at Session#receiveAuth();
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Changed YahooUser in such a way that it's no longer allowing for updates of the 'id' field (which is illogical in the first place).
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Additional test account.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Basic Equality and HashCode contract checks, as provided by JUnit-addons.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Adds first draft of the Roster object. Note that this first version cannot be used yet to subscribe or unsubscribe yet (the 'add' and 'remove' methods will throw IllegalStateExceptions). Viewing the roster, and keeping track of changes through its listener interface is functional though. YMSG-18.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
SessionFriendEvents are now fired for every Friend that gets changed/added/removed, instead of for a group of them.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Made field transient.
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
YahooIdentities should be stored based on lower-case id strings (fix for YMSG-16)
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago
Small typo
Guus der Kinderen
as guusdk
More... over 16 years ago