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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 20 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 17, 2023 — Apr 17, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
release 2.3 More... over 5 years ago
Correct spelling typo in the manpage More... over 5 years ago
remove leftovers from dropped support of SSH1 More... over 5 years ago
refresh automake/autoconf and mark version 2.2 More... over 5 years ago
Drop RSA1 support More... over 5 years ago
Drop SSH1 support More... over 5 years ago
Port to OpenSSL-1.1.0 More... over 5 years ago
automake/autoconf updates More... almost 9 years ago
prepare 2.1 release More... almost 9 years ago
improvement: session/login/default lexical sort order With the ed25519 new key type comes a new private key format (ssh-keygen(1), options -a and -o). Among other things, this new format refines the hierarchy among the keys, while `ssh-agent' provides keys in the order they have been fed. On the other hand, `pam_ssh' seems not to have a clear explicit policy about key ordering; except implicitly for the standard keys between themselves, but they are first ranked. This patch implements a clear policy: first the decrypted session keys in lexical sort order, then the decrypted login keys in lexical sort order, and finally the decrypted standard keys in strength order. The involved lexical order is the expected one used by `run-parts' (run-parts(1)). Since `ssh-agent' keeps for each key its first position (but its last comment), this policy allows to place standard keys wherever wanted by setting up an appropriate link. Nonetheless, it must kept in mind that `ssh-agent' places SSH1 keys before SSH2 keys. Anyway, who does still use SSH1 keys nowadays ? More... almost 9 years ago
improvement: key_load_private Equivalent rearangement of key_load_private calls but with at most one call and at least no call instead of at most two calls and at least one call. This patch is not meant to (and does not) change the current nullok policy as explained in the manpage pam_ssh(8) which states: ``Allow SSH keys with no passphrase''. Having said that, the original code may not implement the statement properly: the statement may suggest that that SSH keys with no passphrase are accepted (or not), but the code implicitly adds `provided that the passphrase is the num passphrase' More... almost 9 years ago
(slightly) refine login_keys_selector Implement better grained log messages for the file selector login_keys_selector. More... almost 9 years ago
improvement: name as comment At the time of writing, aka at the OpenSSH 6.7p1-3 glorious time, the OpenSSH embedded code does not provide as comment the effective key comment for rsa, dsa and ecdsa keys, but a generic comment instead in the form ``(r|d|ecd)rs w/o comment''. What is rather useless. It appears that `ssh-add' overwrites for each key its comment with its full path. For each key, it is chosen here to overwrite its comment with its basename; a kind of keywork might be added later as hint. More... almost 9 years ago
update manpages Add ED25519 key support material More... almost 9 years ago
add ED25519 key support More... almost 9 years ago
fix session key management: mislocation bug More... almost 9 years ago
update the upstream code with respect to updated openssh embedded code More... almost 9 years ago
Fix warnings emitted by gcc against the OpenSSH embedded code. More... almost 9 years ago
render the functions `b64_ntop' and `b64_pton' unambiguous More... almost 9 years ago
update openssh embedded code The upstream source embeds code from OpenSSH, this embedded code is updated against OpenSSH-6.7p1 code; then ED25519 keys can be supported. Basically files containing the used code are brought in from the OpenSSH-6.7p1 and then the unused code is commented out by hand. Ideally the involved code may be invoked through a share library, but unfortunately such a library does not exist. More... almost 9 years ago
fix typo in man page More... almost 10 years ago
Fix conflicting declarations as reported in Debian bugreport #749726 More... almost 10 years ago
aclocal/automake update More... almost 10 years ago
added missing dist files More... almost 10 years ago
update for 2.01 release More... almost 10 years ago
Updated man-page with updates from Jerome reflecting the current implementation More... over 10 years ago
add XZ dist target More... over 10 years ago
changelog format polish More... over 10 years ago
release documentation More... over 10 years ago
improve logging slightly More... over 10 years ago