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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
fix after merge of pull request #772
François Perrad
as Francois Perrad
More... almost 12 years ago
[ci] Make a shallow git clone of parrot to save bandwidth
as Jonathan "Duke" Leto
More... about 12 years ago
[ci] Make sure we are in the correct directory
as Jonathan "Duke" Leto
More... about 12 years ago
[ci] Try running the Plumage test suite on the lastest Parrot master on Travis
as Jonathan "Duke" Leto
More... about 12 years ago
[doc] Convert readme to markdown
as Jonathan "Duke" Leto
More... about 12 years ago
fix after merge branch 'green_threads' see https://github.com/parrot/parrot/commit/17a69801199de6171f1163a53650ef4c6ef0693b
François Perrad
as Francois Perrad
More... over 12 years ago
Removed item about version numbers from TODO list since it has been completed. More... over 12 years ago
Changed documentation to use POD5 instead of POD6 since `perl6 --doc` just doesn't cut it right now. More... over 12 years ago
Added Plumage/Interactive.pbc and Plumage/Command.pbc to test_load_pbcs() test. More... over 12 years ago
Version 1.0.0: Added new ChangeLog and VERSION files for tracking changes between versions. Also added get_version() subroutine for reading version number from VERSION. More... over 12 years ago
Updated example in docs/interactive.pod to show new output for 'help' command. More... over 12 years ago
Updated manpage and help message to include information on 'cli' command. More... over 12 years ago
Added 'interactive CLI' to the description of myself in CREDITS. More... over 12 years ago
Merge branch 'soh-cah-toa/interactive' More... over 12 years ago
* Improved documentation for Plumage::Command and Plumage::Interactive. * Added $!input attribute to Plumage::Interactive instead of always returning input string. * Added $!prompt_string attribute to Plumage::Interactive so it can be set when object is instantiated instead of passing it to prompt(). * Added parse_command_line() method to Plumage::Interactive to parse input command and arguments. * Created main runloop for CLI. Now parses and executes commands properly. More... over 12 years ago
Fixed failing sanity tests. More... over 12 years ago
Cleaned up test files. More... over 12 years ago
Removed explicit 'return' statements from accessor methods in Plumage::Command since they're redundant. More... over 12 years ago
Added and removed a few things from the TODO list. More... over 12 years ago
Added a 'CLI' and 'Misc' section to the TODO file. Also started documenting the CLI in docs/interactive.pod. More... over 12 years ago
Updated manpage and message displayed by 'help' command to reflect the changes I made while rewriting the %COMMANDS hash. More... over 12 years ago
Changed name of 'interactive' command to 'cli' because it's shorter and its purpose is more readily apparent. More... over 12 years ago
Removed part of CLI welcome message that mentioned 'h' shortcut since I'm not sure I want command shortcuts at first. More... over 12 years ago
* Created Plumage::Command class for representing commands as it will be needed soon by Plumage::Interactive. * Modified %COMMANDS to make use of new class. * Added skeleton for docs/interactive.pod which will describe how to use CLI interface. * Made various code cleanups and added verbosity to inline comments. More... over 12 years ago
Fixed all perldoc in docs/hacking so that `perl6 --doc` renders it correctly. Also fixed a bunch of grammatical errors. More... over 12 years ago
Combined multiple calls to say() in command_help() into just one since doing otherwise is just wasteful. More... over 12 years ago
Fixed 'help' command to display usage information if an unrecognized command is passed so that it doesn't thrown an exception. More... over 12 years ago
Fixed subroutine and method definitions so that they don't violate codingstd. More... over 12 years ago
Added copyright notice to all source files. More... over 12 years ago
Removed all those annoying double newlines. More... over 12 years ago