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Project Summary

A practice git repository where you can eff up as much as you'd like plus work with a real, living, breathing person on the other side. Here we learn all things git. Feel free to send Pull Requests to see what it's like when someone asks you "Can you squash your commits for us" and you're all like "How the hell do I do that?" This is where we make those mistakes ... so don't be scared. Fork this repo and send me a Pull Request with anything from Grandma Peggy's Crumbled Oatmeal Cookie Recipe to your favorite Sublime Text 2 preferences. It's all good yo! Learning is the prize in this game.


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In a Nutshell, Practice-Git...

 No recognizable code

Open Hub computes statistics on FOSS projects by examining source code and commit history in source code management systems. This project has code locations but that location contains no recognizable source code for Open Hub to analyze.

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    nearly 1 in 3 companies have no process for identifying, tracking, or remediating known open source vulnerabilities
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 No recognizable code

Open Hub computes statistics on FOSS projects by examining source code and commit history in source code management systems. This project has code locations but that location contains no recognizable source code for Open Hub to analyze.

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