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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 5 months ago. based on code collected 8 months ago.
Oct 07, 2022 — Oct 07, 2023
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- Made it so that connection logging is not done to both the status log and to the connects log. Now anything pertaining to connections made to the muck or disconnections will only be logged to the connects log. More... about 23 years ago
Removed old Neon MCP files. More... about 23 years ago
- Removed all of the old Neon MCP related stuff from the repository. - Removed version.c, since it's generated by the scripts anyway. More... about 23 years ago
- Made it so that the compilier can handle nested ( ) marks within comments. Naturally, for every ( mark, there needs to be a matching ) mark, since it simply counts ( and ) marks until they match up. More... over 23 years ago
- Fixed a couple ttyerr.log for attempts to Re-CLEAR() some instructions. - Patched a potential minor memory leak in 'force' and 'testlock' that were possibly not CLEAR()'ing their instructions when other MUF code was called from them. - Fixed a lot of memory leaks in propqueue, envpropqueue, interp, parseprop, and parsempi. - Fixed memory leak in VAR! [FB6 fix] - Fixed interp_loop() MUF prims to respect the TRY stack locking. [FB6 fix] - Fixed crasher with having invalid dbrefs in arrays when using things like array_nunion, array_nintersect, etc. This was a Proto 1.6 and newer only bug. - Fixed array_nunion, and etc., to not remove multiple dbrefs that have the same name. This was a Proto 1.6 or newer only bug. More... over 23 years ago
Some more memory patches made to various prims that can be used to call muf programs, thus causing the oper pointers to get reassigned without getting cleared first. Added optional messages to @shutdown and @restart. The new syntax is: @shutdown <muckname>[=<message>] @restart <muckname>[=<message>] If the message is included, then it gets broadcast to the players before the shutdown or restart goes through. Changed the malloc reporting for alloc_prog_string() calls to report the line where alloc_prog_string() is called from instead of just reporting alloc_prog_string(). Fixed some Re-CLEAR() errors being reported in ttyerr.log. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed SORTTYPE_SHUFFLE for array_sort. More... over 23 years ago
Re-removed reg_wiz. More... over 23 years ago
- Added @powers to unparse.c. They will be listed as lower case letters in the unparsed name of players. ANNOUNCE [a] BOOT [b] CHOWN_ANYTHING [c] EXPANDED_WHO [x] HIDE [h] IDLE [i] LINK_ANYWHERE [l] LONG_FINGERS [g] NO_PAY [n] OPEN_ANYWHERE [o] PLAYER_CREATE [p] SEARCH [s] SEE_ALL [e] TELEPORT [t] SHUTDOWN [d] CONTROL_MUF [f] CONTROL_ALL [r] ALL_MUF_PRIMS [m] - Added @powers searching to @find. The syntax is: '@find <search string>=[<flags>][:<powers>]=<search parameters>' Doing '@find =:' all by itself will list all players on the MUCK with @powers. - Made the Proto Wiz Levels @tuneable. By turning this parameter off, all wizards of W2, W3, and W4 have permissions equivalent with Neon's W3 bit, or FB's W bit. Only #1 has the permissions of the W4 level when this is tuned off. And finally, W1's will be treated as M3's, losing all of their mage perks. NOTE: Once this is @tuned to 'no', only #1 can @tune it back to 'yes'. Otherwise, it's a W4+ only @tuneable. - Patched various small memory leaks in some of the next* prims, some of the property handling prims, and a few misc prims. - Added a CHECKOFLOW to 2 of the file prims, and to the 'stats' prim, to prevent crashers from stack overflowing. - Changed flag? to work with the new @tuneable multi_wizlevels option. More... over 23 years ago
Patched small memory leaks. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed ARRAY_FILTER_PROP again. Finally works now. More... over 23 years ago
-Added the needed decompression to ARRAY_FILTER_PROP More... over 23 years ago
Added credits.c and copyright. More... over 23 years ago
- Fixed array_filter_prop so that it works. Needed to swap the parameters. - Fixed a small memory leak in array_sort, and a MAJOR memory leak in explode_array. The memory leak in explode_array exists in Proto1.5 as well. Those who feel comfortable editing server-side code should grab the fix from CVS and recompile with it if the explode_array prim is in use on their MUCK. - Changed to version Beta 9. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed compiling with MALLOC_PROFILING. Fixed compiling with CRT_DEBUG_ALSO. Updated crt_malloc.c to FB6's version. More... over 23 years ago
Removed the reg_wiz @tune setting, used to be fore @hopper. More... over 23 years ago
Updated sysparms.txt with some of the new @tune settings. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed the ++ and -- prims to work with numbers again. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed the outputk and inputk values of the new wiz-WHO. More... over 23 years ago
Updated man.txt and help.txt with some of the 1.6 changes thus far. More... over 23 years ago
Disabled the HTML stripping for the HTML notifying functions, too buggy for now. Removed the space -> &#32; substitution for Pueblo notifies. Pueblo is too hacky to allow this work around to its ANSI problems to work at this point. Made it so that connections to the MUCK are only logged to the connects log now, and not connects and status like they were before. Made some fixes to the WHO !! and WHO ! support. More... over 23 years ago
- Made a new WHO interface that has a second wizard WHO. (WHO !!). The new WHO will show DARK players if you are a wizard, or the player is yourself. Also, it will show if the player is IDLE. The old wizard who change the Location dbref number to the port number, and the new wizard who shows the inputk, outputk, the number of commands, and the connection type name. If a player is set LIGHT, the DARK flag is ignored. - Added an input and output size counting system for descriptors. - Made the @credits command return in colour and show the new email addy. - Removed the login_huh_command and huh_command @tunes. - Added new @tune params: tp_mpi_needflag, tp_mortalwho, tp_guest_needflag, tp_fb_controls, tp_allow_old_trigs, and tp_dump_copies. All of them replace old #defs. - Added the ALL_MUF_PRIMS @power. Grants full access to all MUF prims. - Added CONTROL_ALL @powers. Has 'control' over everything on the MUCK. - The KEEPDUMPS/tp_dump_copies was rewritten so that it no longer keeps all of those extra dumps after a crash. That was kind of a disk space waster. Also, the lowest number (proto.db.#1#) is the newest database number now. You can define a @tune param for how many backups you want (Max is 25). Define it to 0 to prevent any backups of databases. - Added support for extended non-ascii/printable characters if the port is not a MUCK, PUEBLO, nor HTML port. - Fixed the #define DISKBASE so it compiles and runs. - Made notify_html and {html} notify non-html players with the HTML stripped out of it. [Buggy and still needs to be tested] - Added the MPI functions {descr} and {sysparm:<sysparm>} - Made getprop, getpropstr, getpropval, getpropfval, envprop, envpropstr, name, flag?, etc. work with garbage items. Setprop does *not* work. - Fixed the TRIG[ -- ref ] prim so that it works in CALL and WIZCALL functions. Everything will work properly with the prim now. - Added CONTENTS_ARRAY[ ref -- arr ] and EXITS_ARRAY[ ref -- arr ] - Added GETOBJINFO[ ref -- dict ], GETDESCRINFO[ int -- dict ] - Added DESCRNOTIFY alias to NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR - Made the TRUENAME prim return the alias if it is set and is a thing or player. If it is an exit, then it will return the name up until the first ';'. - Changed the program running permissions around. If the running program is set SETUID and HARDUID, it will run by the triggers permissions. If the program is set HARDUID, then it will run by the owner of the trigger. However, if the program is set both HARDUID and QUELL, then it will run by the programs permission level. By default, it will run by the program owners permission level. Also, the maximum mlevel is the program owner. You can no longer set the mlevel above the program owner for security purposes. You want a player to have more permissions? Give him or her a higher mlevel or wlevel. More... over 23 years ago
Version change. More... over 23 years ago
Proto 1.6 Beta 4 -> Proto 1.6 Beta 5 The <meta> tag does not get sent if the descriptor is booted before the end of the MUF program that was called. Fixed a glitch concerning booting players connected to the web port and running a background process. META tags in the webserver are not output if the descriptor is booted. This allows text files to be displayed without the META tags by simply booting the descriptor at the end of the program. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed the 'instances' prim. More... over 23 years ago
Added FNAME-OK? prim. Checks to see if the name is a valid file prim shotcut. Added the MUF/ directory to the file shortcuts. Added SHUTDOWN @power, which gives the player access to @shutdown and @restart. Added CONTROL_MUF @power, which gives the player 'control' over any MUF code object. More... over 23 years ago
File prims all convert between \r and \n properly now. Re-fixed array_find. More... over 23 years ago
Fixed a bug in array_findval that had come about due to changes in how array_sort handled dbrefs. More... over 23 years ago
Changes from Proto 1.5 -> Proto 1.6 INTERNAL: Jan 21, 2001 Made it so that @edit and @program reports the unparsed name of the program that is being edited. Made it so that the @teleport messages indicate what was moved and to where. Jan 10, 2001 Added customizing port support. Details to be provided down the line. The ability to have MUF programs run when a port on the MUCK is connected to is now possible. MUF: Jan 10, 2001 Webserver MUF calls are now in BACKGROUND mode. This means that you no longer have to seperate the code for in-muck programs and webserver programs. NEXTENTRANCE fixed. This was fixed once before, but a bugged version slipped into the Proto 1.5 distribution. Jan 21, 2001 Changed SOCKRECV into NBSOCKRECV which now returns an error code as well as the string, in order to allow one to tell if a socket has been closed. nbsockrecv( socket -- i<error code> s<string returned) Added an in-server #define for SOCKRECV that simply uses SOCKRECV and pops the integer in order to not interfer with older programs. Changed SOCKSEND to return a 0 if the socket is not connected instead of a -1. Added a SOCKDESCR prim that will return the descriptor number of a socket. Note that this returns the number whether or not the socket is connected, since even closed sockets still retain their socket number. Made it so that LIGHT can be set on players via MUF as long as the MUF runs at W2 level or higher. More... over 23 years ago
Major docs directory updating. More... over 23 years ago