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Analyzed about 1 hour ago. based on code collected about 10 hours ago.
Apr 29, 2023 — Apr 29, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
3 January 2010 puddletag/audioinfo/*.py [fix] Added an isempty method to util.py so that any tags anytime a tag is set to an empty value it is removed. More... over 14 years ago
3 January 2010 puddletag/audioinfo/*.py [fix] Added an isempty method to util.py so that any tags anytime a tag is set to an empty value it is removed. More... over 14 years ago
3 January 2010 puddlestuff/tagmodel.py [fix] The removeFolders method was added to the TagTable class so that the user interface could be updated. Reload didn't work otherwise. [fix] The odd behaviour where blank rows were attached after loading files is removed. More... over 14 years ago
3 January 2010 puddlestuff/audioinfo/ogg.py [fix] The __setitem__ method didn't take into account int [used for undo] tags and INFOTAGS got messed up. More... over 14 years ago
3 January 2010 puddlestuff/audioinfo/ogg.py [fix] The __setitem__ method didn't take into account int [used for undo] tags and INFOTAGS got messed up. More... over 14 years ago
5 November 2009: puddlestuff/webdb.py [change] ReleaseWidget is now a TreeWidget instead of ListWidget. For selection of individual tracks. [change] MyThread was removed and PuddleThread from puddleobjects is now used instead. More... over 14 years ago
11 October 2009 puddlestuff/puddletag.py [fix] When directories are renamed, the new dirs are selected. They weren't previously. [added] New property _dirnames to MainWin to keep track of when directories were opened. This was done to enable the reloadFiles function to work (it didn't work in the case where folders were loaded with extra files). [change] The reloadFiles function to use _dirnames [added] An updateFolders function that updates dirnames depending on the values passed. More... over 14 years ago
11 October 2009 puddlestuff/duplicates/algwin.py [added] A maintag property to the sets to allow retrieval of sets via any tag. [change] Methods were changed to take advantage of this. [fix] In the savesets method, saving a set with fewer algos than it had previously would still result in the extra algos being loaded. So I clear the file first and then save. More... over 14 years ago
Amarok not removed, m3u.py added More... over 14 years ago
9 September 2009 Added a duplicates directory containing files needed to find duplicates in a music libary. Amarok support has been removed, because I can't figure out how urls are stored. Rudimentary file management added to the file view. More... over 14 years ago
Bugs fixed More... almost 15 years ago
forgot import More... almost 15 years ago
4 June 2009 Many fixes, including the compare QString compare function being removed, because it wasn't natcasecmp. Too many to list here. More... almost 15 years ago
13 May 2009 puddlestuff/helperwin.py [fix] Saving no images to a file in the extended tags dialog now works. 10 May 2009 puddlestuff/functions.py [fix]replaced the replace function with a less buggy one. More... almost 15 years ago
again More... almost 15 years ago
Missed some More... almost 15 years ago
1 May 2009 Seriously can't remember all I did. Much too lazy, to write it. Lots of bugfixes, changes and added docstrings. More... almost 15 years ago
11 April 2009 puddlestuff/audioinfo [added] All modules now have an IMAGETAGS property that lists their supported image tags. [fixed] The copy method in all modules. More... about 15 years ago
10 April 2009 More... about 15 years ago
9 April 2009 puddlestuff/libraries/prokyon.py [fixed] Bugs that dealt with saving not only in prokyon.py, but rhythmbox.py and amarok.py as well More... about 15 years ago
8 April 2009 puddlestuff/audioinfo.py [change] Rather than have one giant-ass, confusing file, I moved the module into its own directory, with each filetype residing in its own file. Much like mutagen's layout. [added] mp4.py, ogg.py, flac.py, apev2.py [change] Instead of using APIC objects for the id3 module, all image data is returned via a dictionary with keys representing the data. More... about 15 years ago
23 March 2009 puddlestuff/libraries/prokyon.py [fixed] Albums were not being read case-sensitively. More... about 15 years ago
11 March 2009 puddlestuff/findfunc.py [fixed] The runAction method had a slight bug, where it wouldn't take the new values into account when running functions that expected tags. More... about 15 years ago
8/9 March 2009 puddlestuff/musiclib.py Modified the methods loading and searchings files for the TreeWidget so that it is done better than before. i.e. instead of clearing the tree and creating each node, just the needed ones are updated. This and other such dumbass things were removed. The search function was especially modified. More... about 15 years ago
22 January 2009 puddlestuff/puddletag.py Modified DirView so that it's threaded (Pretty sure it's slower, but feels faster). More... over 15 years ago
21 December 2008 I ran pychecker through the code and fixed any glaring bugs audioinfo.py Added condition to reading ogg files that don't have a tracknumber attribute More... over 15 years ago
20 December 2008 puddlestuff/puddletag.py Modified MainWindow.numTracks method so that it track numbering can be restarted depending on the directory MainWindow.fillCombos method now has genre being blank if no genre is defined instead of "<keep>" More... over 15 years ago
15 December 2008 Added the setSelectedTags method back to puddletag.py. 7 December 2008 method: puddleobjects.TableShit.showTool Added a line so that an error message is shown in the statusbar if anything in the model can't be edited. I would really like to have these as tooltips though. That's gonna take some work. More... over 15 years ago
6 December 2008 Added a couple of lines to puddleobjects.TableShit.fillTable. If some rows are hidden and files are added then the table gets all messed up. The rows that are supposed to be shown are show, but all the intervening rows are shown too. This wouldn't be bad, but they're blanked out, and nothing can be done with them. So, I just show everything to avoid the ugliness. More... over 15 years ago
3 December 2008 changed puddletag.changefocus so that if None of the controls in the controls list is selected, the first is selected. More... over 15 years ago