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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 13 hours ago. based on code collected about 17 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Edited README via GitHub More... about 13 years ago
This update adds a max window size for dynamic windowing and updates the command line parser to include an option to specify the max. More... over 14 years ago
This update includes adding a max window size to the dynamic windowing and also updating the command line parser to include an argument for the dynamic windowing option.Dynamic windowing was also fixed a little in checking for previously added transactions. More... over 14 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:jtsao22/pyapriori More... over 14 years ago
These two files are for profiling the python. More... over 14 years ago
This update just merged the apriori_extragen on furi with the apriori_extragen on doordesk. More... over 14 years ago
This update fixes a seg fault found when apriori was run with all_node_100.txt and all_node_200.txt.It had to do with get_data returning a NULL pointer. More... over 14 years ago
This update fixes a bug in the "working apriori code in c." The bug was in the add_trans function, where the parameter was an unsigned char instead of uint32_t. More... over 14 years ago
This fixed a bug in the c code in the one_item_sets function that did not increment the item when the count was not >= minsup. More... over 14 years ago
This update has working apriori in c with test_apriori_no_cmockery being used to parse command line options and replace cmockery (since tests are no longer needed). More... over 14 years ago
This update is a working version of apriori in c. More... over 14 years ago
This update corrected an error in the subset function. More... over 14 years ago
This update worked out bugs in the c code, but there are still more bugs to work out. More... over 14 years ago
This is not an update. Using the file to check between c and python code. An error has been found in the python. More... over 14 years ago
This update has a finished generate function. The apriori function still has some errors. Results do not match the results of the python code. More... over 14 years ago
This update fixes a bug in the subset function that happens when there is a very small candidate transaction list. It used to assume the root node was an interior node and now it doesn't make that assumption. More... over 14 years ago
This update finishes the generate function with test cases. More... over 14 years ago
This update modified the generate function (small optimization). More... over 14 years ago
This update is still on generate function with a bug in the get_subsets_function which is most likely due to the remove_list function assigning a pointer to a bad location. More... over 14 years ago
This update has some of the generate function done. Still have to work out bugs in get_subsets_of, which is apart of generate. More... over 14 years ago
This update completes the hash tree. (check_minsup is done) More... over 14 years ago
This update finishes the hash tree except for check_minsup. The hash_tree appears to be working correctly so far using the test data. More... over 14 years ago
This update has all hash tree functionality finished except for the subset functions. More... over 14 years ago
This update has the beginnings of the hash tree struct with finished hash tree node functionality (still needs some testing, but can only be tested until more hash tree functionality is implemented). More... over 14 years ago
This update has some working hash tree node functionality and can free hash tree nodes with their hash maps, linked lists, and hash tree nodes recursively successfully. There is some added functionality such as expand_node and add_trans that have not been tested. Once they are tested, the hash_tree struct will be made and functionality will be implemented. More... over 14 years ago
This update has bugs. There is memory freeing errors. CMOCKERY macros have been added. More... over 14 years ago
This update shows the beginnings of a hash map with a few errors. The hash table has a struct which has a dynamic array of pointers to nodes (which are heads of linked lists) and the void *data in the nodes are going to be hash tree nodes, which have keys, children, and counts. More... over 14 years ago
This update just includes hash_map.h and .c, which are the beginnings of a hash map implementation using a hash function found on the internet. More... over 14 years ago
The previous update actually had a memory leak. This update fixes that and the optimization works well for get windows. More... over 14 years ago
This update includes working parser and one-item-sets. Fixed a bug in parser and added more tests. Also, optimized get_windows. Should be faster. More... over 14 years ago