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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 15 hours ago. based on code collected about 18 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
shuffled iterator keeps track of previous index used, so current() works. More... about 14 years ago
updated readme. No way am I pursuing the creation of a flash website framework. Use html for that, folks. More... about 14 years ago
grabbed map function from processing to fix errors when mapping to a descending sequence. More... over 14 years ago
basic NoiseSeries class for precalculating noise useful in animations. More... over 14 years ago
ImageCache will now convert vectors into Bitmaps upon return (making it return unique graphics, instead of references to the original vector). More... over 14 years ago
SimpleVideo resize is now delegating the calculation to Numbers. Added fitWithRatio to Numbers to allow resizing with proportions other than those of the input displayObject. More... over 14 years ago
Fixed color in Typography conversion. StyleSheet expects a hex-like string. More... over 14 years ago
added Typography utils. Will have more later. For now, just a utility function to turn TextFormats into something usable by StyleSheets. Escapes the hazard of figuring out the 'real name' of fonts and the fragility of how flash handles external stylesheets. More... over 14 years ago
ScreenModel rectangle returns a copy of its rectangle, as modifying the rectangle previously returned could have unexpected consequences. More... over 14 years ago
removed trace from PAge. More... over 14 years ago
PageModel keeps track of whether it's base fragment was changed. More... over 14 years ago
updates to ContinuousPaginator to try to deal with scrolling beyond bounds. More... over 14 years ago
Grid and Row more stringent with positioning items initially. More access into Paginator stuff. More... over 14 years ago
more reporting of status from integrator and paginators. Preloader now has huge event priority, but flash seems to disregard that in any case. More... over 14 years ago
recenters on current item when items are changing size. More... over 14 years ago
more reporting of events from Integrator and paginators. Also, allowing iteration through Paginator pages. More... over 14 years ago
put the burden of centering pages on the paginator (imagine that). More... over 14 years ago
listening for resize events from children to allow adjusting the layout on the fly. More... over 14 years ago
removed trace from PAge. More... over 14 years ago
changed order of certain operations. PageState skips show animation if already shown. This gets rid of some strange hanging behavior. More... over 14 years ago
Added updateScrollBounds() to ScrollBar. Added itemWidth(index):Number to layouts; debating its overall merit, but it's useful for my current task. More... over 14 years ago
updates to resizing scheme based on the new, globally-accessible ScreenModel. PageStates register for size updates when shown, and stop listening when hidden. Additionally, they update their layout when shown. Subclasses can override updateLayout() to actually do something when the resize occurs. More... over 14 years ago
added animation and loading flags to page and cache, respectively. AbstractSite uses flags to determine whether to show preloader, only displaying preloader after the current section is hidden and when the next section isn't loaded. More... over 14 years ago
added default animation to PageState using TweenLite. Adjusted comments in preloader business. More... over 14 years ago
removed a trace message. More... over 14 years ago
updating site model a bit. More... over 14 years ago
updated Page behavior. Better default show/hide when _currentState is defined. More... over 14 years ago
updating page behavior a bit. Going to clean up navigation cascade this week once everything is jumping. More... over 14 years ago
updating PageModel setup for flexible depth of urls. More... over 14 years ago
changed paginator argument list. Now much more direct. Pass in a Class and an object of arguments to initialize that class. More... over 14 years ago