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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Don't allow overriding of include or include_association scaffold methods for DataMapper, since they shouldn't be used Move large amount of code from ardm into meta_model, and make it database independent Change the handling of conditions to append to an array of conditions, and have them merged inside scaffold_get_objects Refactor the code that add conditions into seperate functions that can be overridden by the ORM-specific code Move scaffold_error_messages from ardm into model, since most ORMs implement the API it uses Refactor similar methods in meta_model and dynamically generate them Fix issue where you can't override a default value with a nil or false value using an instance variable Fix browsing without a limit (so all records appear on one page) More... about 16 years ago
Add Officer models, pretty much the same as Employee models but with autocompleting Add 't' and 'f' aliases to DataMapper's Sqlite3Adapter, will remove when DM 0.3.1 is released Scaffold the Officer models separately from the other models, but in the same controller Simplify the metaprogramming in test.rb Combine object creation tests into other tests Renumber tests Don't clutter employee_groups join table with old entries Add tests for auto completing More... about 16 years ago
Change AR* models to Ar*, to fix Rails loading Add Dm* models and DataMapperController to test new DataMapper support Add tests for browsing and searching records (including pagination) Add tests for merging and updating records No longer use an svn:external to get the plugin, users are responsible for putting the plugin in vendor/plugins Refactor run_tests.sh Set browse and search limits to 1 Add style.yaml files for rails and ramaze More... about 16 years ago
Generalize model support from active_record.rb to model.rb and meta_model.rb Add support for DataMapper Generalize shared support for ActiveRecord and DataMapper into ardm.rb Don't alias methods twice in overridable.rb, helpful for using Ramaze with source reloading on Force associated foreign key to integer when building associated select boxes (necessary for DataMapper using Sqlite3) Generalize ScaffoldingExtensions.all_models and provide a default implementation that works when multiple different types of models are used Don't give the hidden input null and notnull fields ids when paginating searches, since the ids would not be unique if multiple columns are restricted Update README to reflect support for DataMapper and remove some Rails specific test code Small changes to ramaze.txt and testing.txt More... about 16 years ago
Extract the overridable method functionality from active_record.rb into overridable.rb Use extracted functionality to shorten active_record.rb via metaprogramming (metametaclass!) More... about 16 years ago
Fix typo in scaffold_model_field_tags, causing field options not to be used More... about 16 years ago
Fix bug in listtable scaffold More... about 16 years ago
Test all framework/ORM combinations in one test run Add ability to add frameworks/ORMs to the test suite easily This requires a separate database for each framework/ORM combination Prefix ActiveRecord models with AR Change from using /admin path to /active_record path Only scaffold the ActiveRecord models for /active_record More... about 16 years ago
Make end of line always LF More... about 16 years ago
witch overridable scaffold method to make the override option always come first Make scaffold_update_attributes no longer overridable Only add habtm actions automatically for a scaffold model if :edit is an allowed method More... about 16 years ago
Fix bug when merging records More... about 16 years ago
Initial import This has a Ramaze and Rails structure combined into one folder, allowing for easy testing of both via run_tests.sh More... about 16 years ago
Rewrote/refactored most of the code, making it more modular and able to support multiple web frameworks and ORMs Add support for the Ramaze web framework Remove scaffold_auto_complete_without_association and scaffold_select_typeahead contributions, since the patches no longer apply Remove the habtm_ajax and associations scaffolds, as those are now handled as inline templates Remove the tasks directory, as it was never used Remove the test task from the Rakefile, and make rdoc generation the default task Bump the copyright date to 2008 Add a doc directory with a bunch of useful text files More... about 16 years ago
Allow scaffolding_extensions to work with Rails 2.0's enabled-by-default CSRF protection (protect_from_forgery) Use get for idempotent actions Exeception is results, which is idempotent but uses post because request data can be long Make sure all nonidempotent actions require post No longer put the (created|updated)_at columns in scaffold_fields by default Put the token_tag in all_input_tags_wrapper(), it should be removed after Rails patches form(), ticket 10739 Make scaffold_auto_complete_field use get instead of post Split destroy action into an idempotent delete action that displays the model objects and a nonidempotent destroy action that destroys them Change the default_scaffold_methods :destroy to :delete, mirroring the convention that the display action name is used Add ActionController::Base#scaffolded_nonidempotent_method?, for checking whether a nonidempotent method was created by the scaffolding Rename scaffold_destroy_redirect to scaffold_delete_redirect Add ActionController::Base.scaffold_check_nonidempotent_requests, to be used in a before filter for making sure nonidempotent actions require post Add scaffolded_nonidempotent_methods accessor to ActionController::Base Add ActionController::Base.setup_shared_scaffolding, refactoring some shared logic in scaffold and scaffold_habtm Beautify generated code for associations action so it doesn't look weird when debugging Fix scaffold_habtm when scaffold auto completing is used with scaffold habtm ajax More... over 16 years ago
Use reflection's primary_key_name and association_foreign_key methods Assume habtm reflection always has :join_table option Previously, the values used instead of these were calculated by the plugin, and may not have matched exactly with what Rails used I'm not sure if these methods were available when the plugin was first created (probably not), and they still aren't documented, but it's better to use them then to try to guess the values More... over 16 years ago
Update README Fix line endings in scaffolding_extensions.rb More... over 16 years ago
Modify scaffolding_extensions so that it is compatible with Rails 2.0.1 Rename JavaScriptMacrosHelper to ScaffoldAutoCompleteMacrosHelper, and use it as a helper manually Move scaffold_habtm_association_line_item from JavaScriptMacrosHelper to ActiveRecordHelper Added scaffolded_methods and scaffolded_method? to ActionController::Base Move scaffold method from ActionController::Scaffolding::ClassMethods to ActionController::Base More... over 16 years ago
Make scaffold_session_value apply to associated select boxes More... over 16 years ago
Fix non-ajax habtm scaffolding, thanks Robert Fischer More... over 16 years ago
Unbreak scaffold_auto_complete_for_* And the contrib entry from the previous commit was from Marc Salomon More... over 16 years ago
Add scaffold_session_value feature, which uses a value from the session to control access to records More... over 16 years ago
Fix merging with :through and :as associations More... over 16 years ago
Fix scaffold_habtm_****_redirect, from Marco Perrando More... over 16 years ago
Change email address to [email protected] Update README and LICENSE files More... almost 17 years ago
Use manual pagination instead of Rails built-in pagination for the browse scaffold More... almost 17 years ago
Allow the habtm scaffold template to be overriden just like the over scaffold templates More... almost 17 years ago
Make scaffold_new_redirect work with params[:id], from Edgars Beigarts More... about 17 years ago
Support for creating has_many :as polymorphic associated objects Support for file input fields Thanks to Edgars Beigarts for the ideas and initial patch Neither feature personally tested, but both reported to work, and nothing appears broken More... about 17 years ago
Fix div class in habtm_ajax scaffold Add scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax for speed purposes Remove extraneous expression in association_ajax_select_tag Let render_scaffold_tempate recognize inline template renders More... about 17 years ago
Fix non-Ajax habtm updates More... about 17 years ago