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Posted over 13 years ago by meddows
Move your mouse to any column header cell and press the left button and hold it for some time. Scrolling up has happened. Don't you find it's rather strange? PS. Sorry for english.
Posted over 13 years ago by dariusdamalakas
just attach a listener on "after data inserted to grid", and call sort method. You have full control of the datasource in SourceGrid
Posted over 13 years ago by dariusdamalakas
> Scrolling up must begin, because in MouseSelection controller in OnMouseDown BeginScrollTracking is called and then in the timer handler eventually CustomScrollLineUp is called. So what is exactly the problem?
Posted over 13 years ago by Helg37
how to set up automatic sorting, which will be automatically triggered when data is added to the SourceGrid with regards, Oleg
Posted over 13 years ago by aoks
Found solution myslef. The method ArrangeLinkedControls() does exactly what is needed.
Posted over 13 years ago by meddows
Hello. I think, i've found very annoying bug. Move your mouse to the column header cell and press the left button, holding it for some time. Scrolling up must begin, because in MouseSelection controller in OnMouseDown BeginScrollTracking is ... [More] called and then in the timer handler eventually CustomScrollLineUp is called. Any thoughts how to fix it? I think, maybe BeginScrollTracking shouldn't be called if you click on a header cell.   Thank you. [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by aoks
i have a grid with a linked control in each cell. when i try to insert a row in the grid, the new row apears, but linked controls stay where they were (they do not move with their cells) screenshots: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4810401/add_row.PNG ... [More] manually changing Position of linked control does not help too.   how can i achieve that linked controls move down with their corresponding cells when inserting a row? thank You.   here is the code i use for inserting the row: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.grid.Rows.Insert(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.grid[3, i+1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(); } foreach (SourceGrid.LinkedControlValue lcv in this.grid.LinkedControls) { if (lcv.Position.Row >= 3) { lcv.Position = new SourceGrid.Position(lcv.Position.Row + 1, lcv.Position.Column); } } } [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by VladimirEzh
Hello. Faced with this problem: When I add a grid to form longer called KeyUp  and KeyDown events form itself. What should I do? Use SourceGrid 4.30. Sorry for my English. Thanks.
Posted over 13 years ago by dariusdamalakas
Attach an event to selection object, there is an event SelectionChanged, which will be invoked whenever selection changes
Posted over 13 years ago by dariusdamalakas
>but the behaviour of the selection is different when using keyboard only (up, down, left right keys holding Shift). I want that behaviur of the selection with keyboard is same as with mouse. Please create a change request for this. This is actually good point, the selection should work the same with mouse or keyboard