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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected about 7 hours ago.
Apr 25, 2023 — Apr 25, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed regression when SC.Pane needs to use defaultResponder. More... almost 9 years ago
Fixed regression when SC.Pane has a defaultResponder set. nextResponder must be overridden to return null, not the defaultResponder. More... almost 9 years ago
Merge pull request #1339 from jameschao/respect_auto_resize_max_width_height More... almost 9 years ago
Made SC.View.prototype.removeChildAndDestroy check for the attached state of the child view before calling detach on it. This removes excess console warnings about detaching a view in an invalid state. More... almost 9 years ago
Added webhooks for Gitter from Travis. More... almost 9 years ago
Fixed a regression in the pane behavior concerning falling back to the pane if a default responder doesn't handle the event. More... almost 9 years ago
Fixed double action call in SC.Pane sendEvent. If no responder in the pane's responder chain handles an event, the pane would be asked to perform the event twice. Also removed unnecessary check for evt && evt.mouseHandler at the end of checking for a target. `mouseHandler` isn't defined anywhere in the framework and if it were, since it has the ability to override target, why wouldn't it be checked immediately? More... almost 9 years ago
Removed unnecessary enhancement for override of `makeFirstResponder` in SC.Pane. Improves the initialization speed of SC.Pane. More... almost 9 years ago
Tidies code. No functional changes. More... almost 9 years ago
Moved all reopen code of SC.Pane into SC.Pane itself. Reopening the class's prototype is completely unnecessary and simply slows down the initialization process of SC.Pane. No code changes, just moved the split up code into pane.js. More... almost 9 years ago
No code changes. This reorders the code alphabetically in preparation for some refactoring of methods and removal of unnecessary reopen calls. More... almost 9 years ago
Added Gitter link More... about 9 years ago
Bumps Showcase. More... about 9 years ago
Updated change log. More... about 9 years ago
Added a retina version of the SC.ToolbarView image. This prevents the bleedthrough of adjacent sprites on retina displays (noticeable as pink in development mode). More... about 9 years ago
Added retina versions of all SC.ButtonView images. This includes capsule and pointer images at every control size. Previously, the capsule theme was only supported at SC.REGULAR_CONTROL_SIZE and the pointer theme was only supported at SC.REGULAR_CONTROL_SIZE or SC.HUGE_CONTROL_SIZE. More... about 9 years ago
Bumps SC submodule. More... about 9 years ago
Prevents views from being resize when they are orphaned More... about 9 years ago
Fixes missing docs for SC.Module and updates with further detail. More... about 9 years ago
When maxWidth/maxHeight changes, allow remeasurement More... about 9 years ago
Respect max width when resizing both height and width More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #1334 from jameschao/ie10_console_trace More... about 9 years ago
Added placeholder console.trace() for browsers that don't have it More... about 9 years ago
Fixes regressions in SC.WellView More... about 9 years ago
Fixed regressions in SC.WebSocket. More... about 9 years ago
Added additional nested record tests for doubly nested objects. More... about 9 years ago
Negligible code tidy. More... about 9 years ago
Uses the same test in a few spaces, because Array.prototype.isEqual may change signature slightly More... about 9 years ago
The `SC.guidFor()` method (primarily used internally) no longer maintains a cache for String and Number GUIDs. Because the GUID for a String or a Number is essentially its own value, the caching process actually takes longer than it does to simply generate a GUID key from the given String or Number (see http://jsperf.com/cache-vs-manipulate). More importantly, this removes the memory overhead of maintaining the GUID cache, which was also unable to be cleaned. More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #1326 from jameschao/avoid_doshow_in_attached_view_state More... about 9 years ago