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Analyzed about 6 hours ago. based on code collected about 13 hours ago.
Apr 29, 2023 — Apr 29, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
CVS_SILENT forgot to save this file before the last commit -- doc update More... almost 20 years ago
Switch the return type of File::save() from void to bool to provide a little bit of feedback on whether or not the safe operation worked. More... almost 20 years ago
Ah, this one's easy -- though an odd corer case; there's a Xing header here but no MPEG frames. This was triggering a divide by zero. More... almost 20 years ago
initialize variable More... almost 20 years ago
Parse ID3v2.4 genres as a list of fields rather than a text string with the ID3v1 genre in parenthesis. More... almost 20 years ago
Add iterators and operator[] to the string class. More... almost 20 years ago
Two issues pointed out by Gary Peck: *) Note that adding and removing frames from the ID3v2::Tag will invalidate iterators on the frame list *) Correct the number of genres -- it should be 148 instead of 147. You can all have your Synthpop genre back now. :-) More... almost 20 years ago
Don't die on invalid input. More... almost 20 years ago
Oops. Pretty significant type in the frame name for recording date. This will automatically fix these files on the next write. (At the moment other taggers will not be able to read the date written by TagLib in the ID3v2 tag. In most cases they'll fall back to the ID3v1 tag, which is fine, but still kind of nasty.) Thanks to Teemu Tervo for catching this. More... almost 20 years ago
Add a short description More... almost 20 years ago
documentation fixes More... almost 20 years ago
Add a frameList() overload that accepts a frame ID as a shortcut to the frameListMap(). More... almost 20 years ago
Added an example on how to read additional frames. More... almost 20 years ago
doxygen fix More... almost 20 years ago
CVS_SILENT docs fix More... almost 20 years ago
Just a little hack to make the Vorbis classes appear in the Ogg namespace in the API docs and a tyepdef to make this work (since this is how things will be in the next BIC version). More... almost 20 years ago
A small regression -- when assigning a ByteVector to a String make sure to not include the trailing null characters. (This was introduced after the last release.) More... almost 20 years ago
Don't append a framing bit when writing Xiph comments to FLAC files since this renders them unplayable with some players. Thanks to Jason Lee for tracking this down! More... almost 20 years ago
Add docs. More... about 20 years ago
Oops, the implementation of this constructor was missing. More... about 20 years ago
Add native support for the RVA2 (relative volume adjustment) frame. The docs aren't there yet and this is completely untested, but that will follow as soon as I find a file actually tagged with one of these. :-) More... about 20 years ago
Add new type and templatize the "fromNumber" conversion. More... about 20 years ago
Oops. Make the docs accurate. More... about 20 years ago
Make this check current with the bytevector code. More... about 20 years ago
Changed my mind on the last one -- use explicit types rather than trying to figure things out. This also allows the number conversion to be templatized. More... about 20 years ago
Add a check for the toInt() stuff. More... about 20 years ago
Add a toInt() method that correctly adjusts for the signedness bit even on different variable sized byte vectors. More... about 20 years ago
Add direct support APIC (attached picture) frames. I'll probably add an example to the examples dir later today showing how to use this. More... about 20 years ago
Minor fix for getting the frame header size correct for unknown frames in ID3v2.2 tags. More... about 20 years ago
CVS_SILENT make some stuff as deprecated More... about 20 years ago