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Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Copyright header update and minor tweaks
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 3 months ago
Doc pass and some cleanup on binary/json serializers. Added much desired Equals(XYZW) type methods that take individual components.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 3 months ago
Added an explicit uint conversion operator to Color/ColorBGRA and a new quaternion method to get the rotation defined by a from/to vector.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 8 months ago
Doc / nullable pass
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 8 months ago
Fixed window already maximized with FS borderless. Factored out logic/state into a resuable state holder.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 8 months ago
Factored IsFullScreen into a new WindowMode enum that allows for more modern FullScreenBorderless capability. Tesla.Windows is now nullable enabled. IsFullScreen will be true for both FS modes, but now is read-only while setting windowed/FS will go through the enum property.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 8 months ago
Added method to get if input devices want focus rom the Gui system and changed AppGui.HasMouse/HasKeyboardFocus to not rely on the key/mouse systems.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 8 months ago
New HLSL Compiler and shader library content classes. Eventually this will replace the current effect implementation. ShaderData will be the new TEFX format and will replace EffectData. WIP until the runtime implementation is finished.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
By default, ensure all projects expose internals to the test project.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
TextureCubeArray had mip and array counts swapped.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Texture arrays with more than 1 subresource is no longer valid to create. Fixed some inconsistencies with missing overrides in texture array subclasses.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Added ReadStringArrayOrDefault IPrimitiveReader extensions
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Fixed issues in D3D11DepthStencilBufferWrapper for certain formats when want to use depth buffer as a shader resource. MSAA inconsistently init'ed depending on the ctor.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Tweaked ctor of json/binary savable readers to allow for a null service provider. If one is not provided, falls back to an empty no-op service provider.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Resolved ambiguity
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Added span AddRange methods to IRefList.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 9 months ago
Not sure why this dependency was in tesla.dll
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
Added missing readonly on getters
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
ComputedParameter now uses Random.Shared by default, allows for setting a speciic Random instance
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
QOL improvements to Platforms, returns the concrete implementation of IPlatformInitializer and made it easier to add additional services to it once created from the the various precanned templates. Also fixed the descriptor for ImGui
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
QOL improvements to TeslaContentException errors
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
Added new lightweight string tokenizer that allows for flexible parsing of scripts
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
Copy pasta error
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 10 months ago
Missing doc summary
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... 11 months ago
Added a new render state cache (provided by the default renderstate provider) property on the IRenderSystem. Using it in a few places, removed old mechanisms to cache samplers/renderstates for materials and effect loading.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago
Added new "BatchBuffer" implementation that generalizes the Discard-NoOverwrite update pattern to a vertex/index buffer (or any GPU IBufferResource). Using it in the ImGui system first.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago
Moved commented out code to it's own ImGuiEx command. For now, use a specialized PopFont if want to change the font of a window header (fixes an unresolved bug in imgui).
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago
Exposed texture premultiply alpha arg in interface
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago
Fixed up font content links
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago
Reworked ImGui fonts completely - adopted SkiaSharp to load fonts (removed previous attempt at font loading) and now managing the generating of font bitmaps ourselves, and piggy backing off imgui's atlas generation (ported their skyline atlas generation to C# for future use cases). We still can use Imgui's font rendering if a font is marked as "embedded" (e.g. the default font, which still looks best if they manage that) but the bitmaps are pulled out and later added as custom rects like the fonts we draw ourselves. The cursor/line bitmaps get carried over from imgui.
as Nicholas Woodfield
More... about 1 year ago