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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
fixed building example tar in tlb, git-archive was pushing std.err to the tar More... over 11 years ago
Fixed the bug reported @ https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#load-balancer/QcZOH0_lDNo which was around job-family aware splitter logging Go variable insteed of generic partition identifier as identified by the 'server' More... almost 12 years ago
added a home resource which lists tlb server environment details More... about 12 years ago
module should use project's jdk More... about 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:test-load-balancer/tlb More... about 12 years ago
added module-name to several response messages for correctness check flow, this will make it easy for users to pin-point the problem. More... about 12 years ago
added logging(debug) to correctness check code for balancer More... about 12 years ago
adding logging to correctness code More... about 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:test-load-balancer/tlb More... over 12 years ago
#26 - Implemented a probability based mean test time for a newly introduced test. More... over 12 years ago
trying travis, using ant default target for build More... over 12 years ago
issue#64 - added duplicate library check to one-jar bundling(for onejar libs) and for java lib dependencies(which are shipped as a flat archive in tlb-java and exmples packages). More... over 12 years ago
issue#64 - upgraded emma(upgrade was the right thing to do because emma-ant 2.0.5312 comes with a dependency on ant-1.6.5 which is ancient), plan to use fileset to enforce the assertion. More... over 12 years ago
issue#59 - changed tlb-server management scripts to generate more user-friendly messages when being used from tlb-server gem More... over 12 years ago
issue#59 - modified startup script echo-statements to emphasize that tlb-server will run out of the directory that user executes the command from More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - alien env support didn't have any clue about subset size, so batch reporting done by smoothing server was failing on tlb.rb. More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - covered load-last-line with tests in TlbEntryRepo, optimization not required as file is usually gonna be too small and production code calls it only for subset size, and that call is cached too More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - changed SmoothingServer to cache things based on subset-side(pulled logic up and now its common for entity that talks to TLB or GO server). Cleanup of caching directory is performed when subset finishes, and one shot submission is made at the end, this should also give talk-to-tlb-server impl performance boost. Some asthetic changes and testing is required before closing the issue. More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - killed all tmp files created by tlb-tests More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - sanitized a a few more tests to not leave env-digest based tmp-dir behind after test finishes More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - killed a few instances of /tmp/UUID or /tmp/checksum directories being left behind by tests, the hunt for more is still on More... over 12 years ago
issue#60 - fixed tests that create tmp-dir and do not delete it in the end More... over 12 years ago
enhanced low-mem test to print GC logs, should help investigating later + noticed that the GC test is failing as of now More... over 12 years ago
issue#93 - Fixed caching file IO on balancer side. Doesn't read all lines anymore to figure number-of-lines + does batch IO for cache-prime save. More... over 12 years ago
issue#93 - fixed reading of entire stream as string in correctness-check flows More... over 12 years ago
issue#93 - fixed ERF file reader to not load the entire string in one shot, load files line by line and continue populating repo alongside. More... over 12 years ago
issue#93 - fixed ERF disk-dump to use file-writers over buffered output stream, need to take care of read next(in ERF), ERF's clone-from-repo also makes a big string which needs to be fixed. More... over 12 years ago
issue#21, issue#94, issue#95 - merged to master More... over 12 years ago
issue#21 - found a bug while testing buildr support which would cause index-out-of-bounds exception when comparing universal set definitions given by a partition with the one that server had. Was an edge case(litterally), fixed. More... over 12 years ago
issue#21 - fails gracefully when correctness-check is not enabled but verify all partitions executed is caled. More... over 12 years ago