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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Changed the message receiver to the new traser message receiver. More... over 15 years ago
Added an implementation of Axis2 AbstractMessageReceiver that only sends a response message if More... over 15 years ago
corrected a bug that added received-on attribute to messages that already containg them More... almost 16 years ago
Added a new package that contains a utility class that can be used to configure the client stub generated by axis2, the default generated stub, and a demo application that sets and queries the name of an item hosted on a locally running server. More... almost 16 years ago
Added a new package that contains a utility class that can be used to configure the client stub generated by axis2, the default generated stub, and a demo application that sets and queries the name of an item hosted on a locally running server. More... almost 16 years ago
Added an else branch to be able to handle freshly generated keys as well, but this does not solve the problem completely. More... almost 16 years ago
Extended the class level javadocs comment in two classes and reverted some changes in TraserClient.xml that referenced classes that are not yet commited. More... almost 16 years ago
Corrected a bug. Again. More... almost 16 years ago
Corrected a bug. Again. More... almost 16 years ago
Corrected a bug. Again. More... almost 16 years ago
Corrected a bug. More... almost 16 years ago
Changed scanner panel to store and select the scanner options. More... almost 16 years ago
Changed scanner panel to store and select the scanner options. More... almost 16 years ago
Still the same. More... almost 16 years ago
Corrected parts of the code that were not consistent with the whole and were commited earlier by mistake. More... almost 16 years ago
Added a new function to ConfigManager to load a new instance in an ad-hoc manner. It is used by the facades ScannerFacade and GlobalResolver. More... almost 16 years ago
Modified KeystoreManager to include the X.509 v3 extension SubjectKeyIdentifier in the certificate when generating a private key. More... almost 16 years ago
Moved to Axis2 version 1.3. (Due to a secure communication abnormality in Rampart that prevented the service from consuming messages sent from a .NET client.) This change affected SimpleServer and RpcUtils. More... almost 16 years ago
Added support to config file editor for file include in a config xml. More... almost 16 years ago
Changed the Omron V700 sub-panel in the ScannerPanel class to contain a text field that is mapped to the 'pages' property of the scanner implementation configuration. More... almost 16 years ago
New labels. More... almost 16 years ago
Added SSCC resolver entry to list of resolvers. More... almost 16 years ago
Modified the WSDL generator class to include in the types section schemas that are imported in nested schema declarations. (This is necessary to overcome a wsdl.exe limitation.) More... almost 16 years ago
Changed the resolver panel by removing add/delete options and extended the sscc subpanel with enabled, advertise and own prefix checkboxes. More... almost 16 years ago
Added missing labels for the config tool. More... almost 16 years ago
Modified the MessageCatalogPanel and replaced the type with four other fields. Corrected some source style and other bugs. More... almost 16 years ago
Modified TraserServer.xml to conform to the new form of the DefaultMessageCatalog configuration. More... almost 16 years ago
Created a DataLocator class that creates the WSDL file from the message types supported by the server. More... almost 16 years ago
Added separate password file. More... about 16 years ago
Created a helper class to validate Axiom OMElements. Unfortunately, Xerces 2.8.x does not support the StaxSource object and I had to convert the AXIOM object into string to perform validation. The Java 1.6 internal Xerces and version 2.9.x does not have this limitation. Considering upgrade but some other Axis2 elements might depend on that version. More... about 16 years ago