I Use This!


Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
Posted almost 8 years ago by guillaume.duhamel
Following our strict release schedule (…), here’s a new Yabause version. This new version includes so many new stuff, I cannot list them all. (If you really want the full list, it’s on our repository) Arguably, the most notable features of this release are: – Low-level CD Block emulation – CloneCD file format support – […]
Posted almost 8 years ago by CyberWarriorX
Just to let everyone know we’ve switched our setup to use Transifex, which should be easier to collaborate and ultimately cut down on our work. If you’d like to help out with translating please go to http://www.transifex.com/yabause/yabause/ and click on Help Translate “Yabause” and sign up for an account(it’s free).
Posted about 8 years ago by CyberWarriorX
So apparently PayPal in their infinite wisdom has decided that Yabause is illegal and apparently infringing on Sega’s copyright, despite several court cases that prove that emulators are perfectly legal if done correctly. It should also be noted we have never received any legal threats or letters from Sega or anyone else since our first […]
Posted about 8 years ago by CyberWarriorX
Just want to announce that development builds are now available on the download page! This should give you guys your latest version fix until we’re ready with the stable release.
Posted almost 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
Just want to let everyone know we’re currently in the process migrating several things away all from Sourceforge. We’re well aware of the concern with the changes in Sourceforge’s business practices and we’re taking it seriously. The site itself, along with the source repository, forum and wiki shouldn’t be affected since we already moved that […]
Posted almost 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
Just want to let everyone know we’re currently in the process migrating several things away all from Sourceforge. We’re well aware of the concern with the changes in Sourceforge’s business practices and we’re taking it seriously. The site itself, along with the source repository, forum and wiki shouldn’t be affected since we already moved that […]
Posted over 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
It’s come to our attention there’s some issues with the Windows 32-bit build. I would suggest if you can run the 64-bit build to do so at this point. I’ll try to find a fix for this release, but any future releases will no longer have an official 32-bit Windows build. Consider it deprecated. Update: […]
Posted over 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
It’s come to our attention there’s some issues with the Windows 32-bit build. I would suggest if you can run the 64-bit build to do so at this point. I’ll try to find a fix for this release, but any future releases will no longer have an official 32-bit Windows build. Consider it deprecated. Update: […]
Posted over 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
It’s come to our attention there’s some issues with the Windows 32-bit build. I would suggest if you can run the 64-bit build to do so at this point. I’ll try to find a fix for this release, but any future releases will no longer have an official 32-bit Windows build. Consider it deprecated.
Posted over 9 years ago by CyberWarriorX
Not sure how many of you guys know, but November 22, 2014 marks 20 years since the Sega Saturn was first released in Japan. So in celebration we’ve decided to release version 0.9.14! Enjoy!