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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
[ex] Fixed a possible deadlock in TcpEx (issue #2310).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Fixed a few errors in unit tests that might occur due to parallel execution of test methods under NUnit runner (not all tests were meant to be thread-safe).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Updated Mono projects to .NET 4.5 profile.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Implemented asynchronous subscriptions. Legacy blocking mode can be enabled using ZyanSettings.LegacyBlockingSubscriptions flag (feature #2308).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Implemented batched re-subscriptions, see issue #2309.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Minor bugfix in ZyanProxy.RemoveAllRemoteEventHandlers method.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Updated InterLinq unit tests to .NET v4.5.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Added a few FX45-specific changes and performance improvements.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] Converted library project and unit tests to .NET 4.5. Added Zyan.Communication.Fx4.csproj for legacy .NET 4.0 support.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... over 9 years ago
[en] InvocationDetails class is now able to find the renamed method of an implemented interface (#2088).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Enabled SO_REUSEADDR socket option so DiscoveryServer doesn't block its port allowing multiple process to receive broadcast discovery packets. Tried to improve discoverable URL detection in TcpDuplexServerProtocolSetup.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Updated MiniChat example to demonstrate service discovery.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Added discovery-related methods and properties to ZyanComponentHost and ZyanConnection classes (#2085).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Implemented DiscoveryClient and DiscoveryServer using UdpClient. Extracted static methods from DiscoveryMetadata class into DiscoveryMetadataHelper (#2085).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Trying to work around what looks like an issue with MEF (#2256).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Added discovery metadata classes and unit tests. Added stub classes for discovery client and server (feature #2085).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] ZyanProxy and ZyanCatalog can now capture synchronization context to execute callbacks and event handlers. When synchronization context is captured, server-to-client callbacks and event handlers are executed on the thread on which the proxy was created (issue #1827).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Avoid duplicate channel registration (issue #2253).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Fixed client callback concurrency bug in TcpExChannel (issue #2252). Also, fixed an undiscovered bug in Manager.TriggerException method.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Fixed a possible null reference in SimpleLockThreadPool.Dispose method.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
[en] Added one more RegisterComponents method overload.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... almost 10 years ago
Implemented client side envelope sink for hot-update support More... about 10 years ago
Visual Studio added Scc tags to project files More... about 10 years ago
[en] Translated comments in English.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... about 10 years ago
[en] Excluded CS1685 warning to get rid of the duplicate definition of ExtensionAttribute in MonoDevelop projects.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... about 10 years ago
Added new testimonials. More... about 10 years ago
[en] Translated comments in English.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... about 10 years ago
Added new testimonials. More... about 10 years ago
[en] CryptoServerChannelSink doesn't sweep connections while the long-running server call is in progress (issue #2212).
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... about 10 years ago
[en] Fixed minor issue in EventsTests under NUnit test runner.
as Alexey Yakovlev
More... about 10 years ago