Reviews and Ratings

Great debugging helper  
written almost 17 years ago

If your program randomly crashes, valgrind is the best tool to find out possible memory problems. It slows downs things a bit, but it produces great results.

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Great tool to create installer  
written almost 17 years ago

This is very flexible tool to create installer (and of course also uninstaller) for your Windows application. I used it in past for CodeConv and recenltly I came back when I needed way to install Windows port of Wammu. There was not much new features, but the only reason is that this tool provide enough features in past and now it only needs small improvements.

1 out of 1 users found the following review helpful.
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Easy to use tool to generate gallery  
written over 16 years ago

Extremely easy to use and effective tool to generate static web gallery. If you have large photos collection, update it and want to regenerate only changed album parts, lazygal is the right tool for you.

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