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Posted over 9 years ago by jevansnc
Are there any future updates coming to redactor? There are several formatting issues that are persistent throughout the editor mostly doing with bulleted lists honestly. For instance when you come back to a page that has a bulleted listed it will appear as if the list is double spaced even though it isn't. Just curious.
Posted over 9 years ago by twheel
What would be the best-practice method of adding a redactor plugin for a client? For instance, I just got a request for the ability to add color to text on a webpage, and there's a plugin for that. Would I just hack admin/util/wysiwyg?
Posted over 9 years ago by twheel
So that a user can't delete him- or herself: {% if User::$user->id != $data->loop_value->id %} | {"Delete"} {% end %}
Posted over 9 years ago by jevansnc
Have a user that likes to stay logged in for hours. Is there a way to extend or disable the timeout?
Posted over 9 years ago by twheel
Now that the user add/edit forms are longer than one screen, I've been playing around with jumping to the failed fields in a failed submission so that the user has some feedback about why nothing seems to happen when they click submit. Sometimes the ... [More] fields that failed are out of view. I tried adding, e.g., id="email" to the fields and then doing $('#' + failed[0]).focus (); after the failed callback that displays the error notices, but there seems to be a problem in that the admin overlay hides the topmost failed field. Hope this is clear! [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago by twheel
Trying to run elefant update, I'm getting Error: Unable to fetch file. releases/1.3.json
Posted over 9 years ago by twheel
In the stripe app, what does the custom charge handler do, and how does it differ from what the webhooks handler does?
Posted over 9 years ago by alpi
In some cases the "Browse ..." button to load a file is not present in /filemanager/index. It seems tied to mixed (http/https) content, but in my case I see the button only in https. [blocked] The page at 'https://mydomain.tld/filemanager/index' ... [More] was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://feather.aviary.com/js/feather.js': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS. Would be possible to remove the protocol in order to load the resource with the same protocol of the page? [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago by Selwyn
Dynamic objects modal opens but won't load anything to the page. I have removed all default css and removed tables from the apps view folders. Since doing this the dynamic objects modal wont add anything to a page layout. I replaced everything and still no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated Cheers
Posted over 9 years ago by jbroadway
Check it out on the blog (with video preview!): http://ridinganelefant.tumblr.com/post/98910291562/heres-a-video-of-the-latest-feature-for Cheers, JB