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Posted over 8 years ago
We’ve finally released the binaries, source components and source distributions for Greenstone 3.07. You can grab them from the downloads page. The release notes include the installation instructions. There are instructions for helping you port ... [More] Greenstone2 collections to Greenstone3. To familiarise yourself with how things are done in Greenstone3, follow along with the Greenstone 3 tutorials. For those who […] [Less]
Posted over 8 years ago
We’ve finally released the binaries, source components and source distributions for Greenstone 3.07. You can grab them from the downloads page. The release notes include the installation instructions. There are instructions for helping you port ... [More] Greenstone2 collections to Greenstone3. To familiarise yourself with how things are done in Greenstone3, follow along with the Greenstone 3 tutorials. For those who […] [Less]
Posted almost 9 years ago
Good news for Mac Yosemite users out there (and possibly Mac Maverick users too): the current Greenstone 3.07 release-candidate binaries now include a JRE with the Mac Mountain Lion binary. This allows the Greenstone 3.07-rc2 Mountain Lion installer to now run out of the box on Mac Yosemite machines. You may still need to change […]
Posted almost 9 years ago
Good news for Mac Yosemite users out there (and possibly Mac Maverick users too): the current Greenstone 3.07 release-candidate binaries now include a JRE with the Mac Mountain Lion binary. This allows the Greenstone 3.07-rc2 Mountain Lion installer to now run out of the box on Mac Yosemite machines. You may still need to change […]
Posted almost 9 years ago
The Greenstone website www.greenstone.org has been updated and simplified. The updated version is also now available in the GTI (Greenstone Translation Interface) for translation.
Posted almost 9 years ago
The Greenstone website www.greenstone.org has been updated and simplified. The updated version is also now available in the GTI (Greenstone Translation Interface) for translation.
Posted almost 9 years ago
Hello all, The GS3.07 release candidate 1 (3.07 rc1) was released on 03 Aug 2015 and can be downloaded from the snapshots page. There have been quite a few changes and improvements. These have been documented in the release notes. The 3.07 rc1 binaries available are for Windows, Linux (32 and 64 bit) and Mac (Snow) Leopard […]
Posted almost 9 years ago
Hello all, The GS3.07 release candidate 1 (3.07 rc1) was released on 03 Aug 2015 and can be downloaded from the snapshots page. There have been quite a few changes and improvements. These have been documented in the release notes. The 3.07 rc1 binaries available are for Windows, Linux (32 and 64 bit) and Mac (Snow) Leopard […]
Posted over 9 years ago
Hello all! On 6 Nov we released the final binaries of Greenstone 3.06. There are binaries available for the following operating systems: Windows, Linux 32-bit and 64-bit machines and Mac OS Leopard, for Leopards and Snow Leopards Mac OS Mountain Lion for Mountain Lion, Maverick (and possibly the older Lion, but untested […]
Posted about 10 years ago
It’s been a very long period since we blogged our progress. Rest assured we’ve been working hard to improve Greenstone 2 and 3, and it’s only the blogging about it that fell by the wayside. Here’s some of the things that I’ve been working on in the last few months: Securing Greenstone 2 pages: this involved […]