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Project Summary

A syntax highlighter written in Haxe that can highlight the syntax of a bunch of languages, including Haxe.

Since it's written in Haxe, JavaScript and PHP versions can be generated, and snapshots are available inside the Subversion repository.

It is lightweight: 1 file, around 200 lines of algorithm and around 300 lines of language definitions.

Adding a new language is usually a matter of adding 5-10 regular expressions, and is somewhat flexible with recursive rules (for example, it highlights PHP/CSS/JS embedded in HTML).

There are plenty of examples of the source code highlighting in action on the homepage.

The statistics are wrong because Ohloh doesn't understand Haxe.


code haxe highlight highlighter source syntax syntax_highlighter

In a Nutshell, Haxe Highlighter...

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Public Domain / GPL When Compiled

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