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Average Rating:   4.6/5.0
Number of Ratings:   5
Number of Reviews:   1

My Review of Whoosh Python Search Library

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Most Helpful Reviews

sasmith says:
Just what we've been looking for  
written about 13 years ago

We have a python-based Windows project where we use PyLucene to handle our searching. We've run into an incredible amount of trouble upgrading PyLucence to the 3.0.x series (v3.0.2 to be exact). PyLucene 3.0.x works well if you just want to run your program as a python script but not as a Windows executable built with py2exe (initVM() crashes the program). The change to JCC killed us.
Enter Whoosh. Preliminary tests have shown that indexing is only seconds slower than PyLucene (time to index our test dataset is 3min22s with PyLucene and 3min29s with Whoosh). Our index is 3 times the size in Whoosh but results seem to be returned just as fast.
I managed to whip up an index creation script and a test query script within an hour using the provided documentation. Much of the concepts are very similar to Lucene so changing our existing code required minimal effort. Some typos in the doc's example code but nothing an experienced python dev can't detect and correct easily.
The fact that we don't have to install all that Java stuff is a huge relief. We'll be switching to Whoosh on this project immediately.

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Most Recent Reviews

sasmith says:
Just what we've been looking for  
written about 13 years ago

We have a python-based Windows project where we use PyLucene to handle our searching. We've run into an incredible amount of trouble upgrading PyLucence to the 3.0.x series (v3.0.2 to be exact). PyLucene 3.0.x works well if you just want to run your program as a python script but not as a Windows executable built with py2exe (initVM() crashes the program). The change to JCC killed us.
Enter Whoosh. Preliminary tests have shown that indexing is only seconds slower than PyLucene (time to index our test dataset is 3min22s with PyLucene and 3min29s with Whoosh). Our index is 3 times the size in Whoosh but results seem to be returned just as fast.
I managed to whip up an index creation script and a test query script within an hour using the provided documentation. Much of the concepts are very similar to Lucene so changing our existing code required minimal effort. Some typos in the doc's example code but nothing an experienced python dev can't detect and correct easily.
The fact that we don't have to install all that Java stuff is a huge relief. We'll be switching to Whoosh on this project immediately.

1 out of 1 users found the following review helpful.

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