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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 3 hours ago. based on code collected about 7 hours ago.
Apr 28, 2023 — Apr 28, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Made the simulator a little easier to use More... over 14 years ago
Made Address.Class available as Address.ClassValue More... over 14 years ago
Forwarder selector prefers non-tunnels over tunnels More... over 14 years ago
Removed SingleXmlRpcManagerServer and XmlRpcMananger.Suspend method. * Added an alias <host:port>/xm.rem for the 1st registered node. * Added a ListNodes() method for the list of registered nodes at <host:port>/xmserver.rem * Added concurrent support for XmlRpcManagerServer. * Updated test client to test 'listNodes' and 'default node'. More... over 14 years ago
Simulator could have a sequence where one node ends up having no connectivity to any of its initial remote ta set. Now all nodes have a common starting point. Ideally, we should make sure that all peers have at least one working peer in their peer set. More... over 14 years ago
If tunnels become each others overlap, there may come a time where there is no way out of the system due to a non-tunnel edge closing and all tunnel edges only having overlap of tunnel edges. This code change will attempt to find such cases and cause a ripple affect of closing all other tunnels. More... over 14 years ago
Tunnels use Connections instead of Addresses More... over 14 years ago
TunnelSync messages use byte[] / MemBlock instead of Base64 string, not sure why I didn't do this in the first place... Also a minor performance improvement on selecting the nearest peers ... try to reduce how many copies we make... More... over 14 years ago
Added the ability to trim OCO based connections... trim if they aren't being used by any tunnels and they are older than 5 minutes old More... over 14 years ago
Sometimes we can send on a closed edge. While we could improve this situation, its easier to just let the system naturally take care of these issue. More... over 14 years ago
Modified SimpleTimer and FuzzyTimer for simulation purposes Simulation doesn't need a lock as it is single threaded More... over 14 years ago
AHSender doesn't assume that the size of Address is 20 More... over 14 years ago
Merge branch 'david-toreview' More... over 14 years ago
We should be listening for the Linker to end and not the Connector. In fact, we should probably either wait an additional timeout if the Linker failed or wait to receive a response from the other side verifying linker failure before we produce the callback. Either way, this is significantly more accurate than before. More... over 14 years ago
Added a TAAuth for COs so that we can limit the type of Edges created by different COs More... over 14 years ago
LeafCO was doubling up its timeout too quickly! More... over 14 years ago
Split Sco to Snco and Ssco and improved CO I attempted to maintain the flavor of the underlying code with only a few changes that reduced the indentation level and made both rely more on CO More... over 14 years ago
SimpleTunnelOverlap now uses the metric of the 4 oldest connections More... over 14 years ago
Added an additional Add method so that users could add their own Uri and also changed the ordering of the Add so that it calls the dictionary add method which will throw an exception if there already exists a mapping (thus we don't have to take care of handling name uniqueness). More... over 14 years ago
Removed code that relied on deprecated interfaces More... over 14 years ago
Added NCTunnelOverlap to BasicNode as well as FunctionEdge support (only useful for MultiNode tests...) More... over 14 years ago
Added an Evaluator for long distance tunnels More... over 14 years ago
Added an Evaluation engine to the Simulator (i.e. a hands free simulator). More... over 14 years ago
Added a Seed to the Simulator so we can get the same base network each time. Also modularized the Simulator a bit more to reduce redundant code. More... over 14 years ago
Switched NCService to DateTime instead of Stopwatch for latency timer purposes to make it useful for simulations More... over 14 years ago
Implementation of ITunnelOverlap using NCService More... over 14 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:johnynek/brunet More... over 14 years ago
Merge branch 'david-reviewed' More... over 14 years ago
Tunnel uses SyncMessage instead of SyncMessages and "AHSender" instead of forwarding sender More... over 14 years ago
Tunnels now use an AddressSelector instead of handling the forwarding address selection themselves (or having the TunnelEL do it for them) This should complete the last piece of the puzzle before implementing faster Tunnels More... over 14 years ago