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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Reduced the number of constructors with code down to 1 More... over 14 years ago
More complicated TOS Test -- Disconnect the overlap and see how quickly a new overlap is formed -- worked pretty nicely More... over 14 years ago
Added a simple way for Tunnels to be formed over the wide area - If there is no overlap, the TunnelEL asks a TunnelOverlap object to find a potential target - TunnelEL asks OCO to connect with said target - TunnelEL creates a new TunnelE with new connection More... over 14 years ago
Improved Simulator - Made a Simulator class so that it can easily be changed for specific tests - Made a generic caller into the Simulator(Main.cs) More... over 14 years ago
System test wasn't updated to the new Dht code, now it is More... over 14 years ago
Embarassing bug fix of the year... ManagedCO requires that the state be set otherwise it won't ever detect that a successful connection was made! More... over 14 years ago
Moved Tunnel* into a new folder and namespace More... over 14 years ago
Cleaned up TransportAddress More... over 14 years ago
Made the _dht_proxy public in BasicNode More... over 14 years ago
Made the LocalEndPoints public in Tcp and Udp EdgeListeners More... over 14 years ago
New PType for tunnels More... almost 15 years ago
Made TunnelEdge.Tunnels return a safe List, though you must set your own local IList variable or the one it holds may be replaced while using it. More... almost 15 years ago
Bug fix for a ChannelTest More... almost 15 years ago
Rewrote SimpleTimer to be less of a static object. Long term goal will be to have it share a common interface with FuzzyTimer... but that will have to wait. More... almost 15 years ago
Improved tunnel based upon feedback - SetRemoteId was replaced by accessors - Followed the proper acronym style (Id -> ID) - Updated to support new SimpleTimer structure - ECB is called via Node.Announce (single threaded) - Replaced StatusUpdate with UpdateNeighborIntersection - te.UpdateStatus (now te.UpdateNeighborIntersection) wasn't being called... now it is - ConnectionHandler ignores updates to non-structured connections - DisconnectionHandler and ConnectionHandler use CList from the ConnectionEventArgs - GetNeartest and FindOverlap are marked as static methods - Made tunnels immutable via the forced ReadOnly and never changing the live _tunnels arraylist (copy and replace) More... almost 15 years ago
If a put fails, we reattempt again after 30 seconds More... almost 15 years ago
Renamed Dump to ListEntries per suggestion. More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'david-p2pnode' More... almost 15 years ago
Significant rewrite of the tunnel code - use StatusUpdates/StatusMessages for syncing of tunnel nodes - StatusUpdates now include TransportAddresses for the underlying edge used for each connection - MAX neighbor count is increased to 8 in status messages - No control logic in tunnel, handled completely by Brunet - Allows tunneling over tunnels (single hop only) - Code reduced done by nearly 1200 lines - Breaks compatibility with previous tunnel code - All peers in the system do not have to have tunneling enabled - TAs for Edges are not updated after creation as they aren't used after that point anyway. More... almost 15 years ago
Added Kyungyong's Configuration Validation code More... almost 15 years ago
Implemented dump in RpcDhtProxy More... almost 15 years ago
Imported Kyungyong's RpcDhtProxy - Made some minor tweaks to RpcDhtProxy for better naming conventions - Need to implement Dump still - Fixed a config bug in MultiNode - Imported a Test script from the Grid Appliance tests for the RpcDhtProxy More... almost 15 years ago
Timer thread needs to run in background to allow proper and safe shutdown More... almost 15 years ago
SimpleTimer was improved based upon Professor Boykin's suggestions More... almost 15 years ago
Moved BrunetTimer to SimpleTimer More... almost 15 years ago
Added NDesk.Options.dll to the repository as its required for P2PNode More... almost 15 years ago
NullEncryption and NullHash were broken and somehow EdgeVerification was removed. I have fixed them and added EdgeVerification back, testing locally with P2PNode. More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'david-dht' More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'david-general' More... almost 15 years ago
Two minor tweaks to BasicNode - Do not write to Console.Error - If the main program doesn't generate an AHAddress, we need to More... almost 15 years ago