Forums : Posts

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Feedback Forum : "Stack It" for Forum Posts?

Hello, Since you have the Stack It feature implemented, I was thinking it's be nice to apply something similar to forum posts to indicate how many users support that post, e.g. for the Request ... [More] Re-enlistment topic in General Discussion many people could agree (or disagree) by pressing on the topic's Stack It or whatever button. This may avoid posts where just say yes -- I agree. (Something similar as Yahoo siteexplorer forum has implemented). Just a minor UI and usability suggestion, nothing major :-) Thanks, -s [Less]

over 17 years ago

Feedback Forum : New License

I don't see any problem with that. There's two reasons we've used Apache-ish in the past. The first reason is because it's unclear which Apache license is specified. Other times, it's because the ... [More] author cites the Apache license but includes some special exceptions or amendments, making it not quite a real Apache license. I'm sure this happens with MPL as well. Feel free to add such a license if you see a need. Thanks, Robin [Less]

over 17 years ago

General Discussion : FileHelpers Development Blog

You can found it at:

over 17 years ago

Technical Issue Help : Yet another wrong registration e-mail

Hi, I'm sorry, but I entered a non-existent e-mail for user 'sev' without underscore. I.e. o.rg instead of .org. May you remove it, or do something else, so so I could use account sev? Eugene

over 17 years ago

Feedback Forum : why not count Makefiles as a kind of a shell script or something?

Hello, Since ohloh counts code lines etc. in shell scripts, Makefiles, while are not exactly shell scripts, still have some shell code elements, so maybe they can be counted as well? I don't think a ... [More] separate category for makefiles is absolutely necessary, and they could be bunched up with the stats of shell scripts instead. What do you think? (Obviously, nothing urgent or priority here.) -s [Less]

over 17 years ago

General Discussion : Inaccurate figures

Originally, the figures showed all of our contrib code as well, which distorted the figures a bit, so I edited the repository list to narrow it down to what people would normally call Moodle. ... [More] However, now the figures are really inaccurate. It says the Moodle project is only a year old, when the CVS repository goes back about 4 years. Hopefully it will straighten out, but in the meantime, ignore all these numbers. :-) [Less]

over 17 years ago

Technical Issue Help : Metrics Mismatch

On the developer row we are listing the total of new lines added, without subtracting lines later removed. This means that if you add 5 lines of code and someone else later removes 3 of those lines ... [More] , you will still be credited with 5 lines added. So what's happening in this project is that neville is editing a lot of HTML and is getting credit for adding a lot of lines of HTML, even though most of those lines are later removed or edited. In absolute terms, this project is 60% Java, but along the way there has been a lot more editing of HTML than of Java. Why do we do this? Honestly, because it's computationally simple. When someone removes a line of code, it's very difficult for us to figure out which developer originally wrote that line of code so that we can debit the removed line from the old developer. To keep things easy, we just keep counting up added lines. We're not satisfied with this, and we're thinking of ways to improve things. Robin [Less]

over 17 years ago

Technical Issue Help : Step 3 of 3: Counting lines of source code (Failed)

When a job stalls or fails, we always get alerted. The job was restarted, and it looks like everything went through OK this time. Thanks, Robin

over 17 years ago

Feedback Forum : Factoids and Licenses Not Found

Sorry for delay. I suspect the reason is that the project may have contained such licenses AT SOME POINT but these licenses have since been removed. The factoid still warns about the fact even though ... [More] we don't show any current occurrences. Kinda arcane and unexpected, i agree. We'll look into fixing it. [Less]

over 17 years ago

Technical Issue Help : Download Failures

We've had multiple hardware troubles over the last week, which are now mostly resolved (I hope). Also, it's not unusual for a job to fail even when our servers are working fine. Most of the download ... [More] failures we get are not fatal, and are usually caused by a network hiccup or a CVS server going down for a few minutes. We always require a manual restart in these situations just to double-check that nothing is running out of control. [Less]

over 17 years ago